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I stepped onto the bridge that was at the compound, the wood made light thuds under my feet. I walked to the middle and leaned on the railing.

"Y/N and Peter's bridge!"

I could hear his voice, echoing around my head. I would do anything to hear his voice, and see his smiling face one more time.

"I'm sorry, Peter. I'm trying." I looked to the horizon, tears falling down my face. "I'm really trying." I said, sinking down and leaning against the metal bars that supported the railing. "It doesn't feel right, doing all this, without you..." My hands were shaking, and my eyes were blurred by tears. I looked up to the sky. "Don't worry, Pete, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to bring you back." I took a shaky breath. The sun was just starting to set, painting the sky shades of purple, orange and yellow.

I miss them all.

Peter was basically my younger brother, I loved him like one. He would always try to make me laugh during meetings, and I would pick him up from school, wearing the most ridiculous outfits, blasting strange music. Tony had been super nice to me, and gave me one of his suits, he was almost like a super chill uncle. Nat, Gamora, Mantis and I were like sisters, we always spent time together, after meetings. Thor, Peter and I were best friends, and we would always play video games together. I loved showing Loki new stuff that he didnt have on Asgard. Sam was my wingman, he always had my back, no matter what.

I thought my past had cut off all chances for me to have a family, but when I joined the Avengers, I actually had people that were family. It was insane that in the few weeks I had known them, I had gotten so close to everyone on the team. It wasnt hard to make friends with them, they were all so amazing. Everyone was so powerful and talented, and they all had one common goal. I was happy I could finally use my powers to help people, not hurt them.

You were right, I did find my calling. I just wish you were here to see it, Anton. I thought, remembering what was written in my book. I found my people, and lost them. I wish I could ask you for help, I know you'd have an answer.

"You would've loved Peter." I said, out loud, voice breaking. "I miss you all, so fucking much." My throat was sore from crying. I pulled out my phone and looked through the photos on it. I had used up so much space on my phone, just taking photos. I had never got the opportunity to have a family, or friends, so I always wanted to be able to look at the photos, to remind myself of how amazing everyone was. I flipped through the photos, tears streaming down my face. Seeing them all, smiling was bittersweet. I loved seeing them happy, but it only hurt more when I remembered that half of them were gone. I opened my phone app, and my most recent voicemail popped up. I rarely ever missed one of Peter's calls, and if I did, it usually meant I was training, and couldn't hear my phone ringing. I stared down at the screen.

Voicemail from:     Spooder Boi 🕸🕷

I pressed play and leaned my head back.

"Hey, Y/N, it's me, Peter and I don't know how to tell you this but....GET RICKROLLED!!!" A song played and Peter laughed. I couldn't muster a laugh, however. My eyes got misty once again, as I listened to the audio. "Okay, but seriously, pick up the phone! I just got a really cool Lego set and I wanna ask Mr. Stark if he will help us build it, when we're done with training." Hearing his voice was great, I forgot just how much I missed our phone calls. "Okay, gotta go, bye!" The audio ended and I sat in silence. My head was pounding and my throat stung. I would do anything, just to be able to call and talk to you one more time. I looked out to the compound and saw a tall figure, walking out the door, and heading down the path. I stood up, leaning back over the railing, trying to compose myself. I watched the water flow under the bridge, slowly. The running water sounds were calming.

"Its late, what are you doing out here?" A voice asked from behind me. I jumped and turned around, to see Loki, staring down at me.

"I could ask you the same." I said quietly, trying to keep my voice steady. He stepped next to me, looking out to the sunset.

"True." He said, leaning on the railing. "Personally, I'm quite the insomniac these days."

"Same here." I couldn't recall the last time I had gotten a full night's sleep. I would either not be able to fall asleep at all, or wake up in the middle of the night, startled by intense nightmares. I would sit in the dark, replaying thoughts and memories in my head. Each memory hurt more as the days went on. A stray tear rolled down my cheek. He turned his body to face me. "What's wrong?" He asked, softly.

"I just miss them." I said, weakly. I closed my eyes tightly, pressing my lips together, trying to refrain from crying more. "I miss them so much, it hurts."

"So do I." He agreed, after a moment of silence. I opened my eyes and stared at the water below us. "Its strange, really. Not having them around." He let out a sharp laugh and looked down, smiling. "Remember that day, after training, when Thor couldn't find a piece of his armor?" He asked, looking to me. "He looked all over, and it was nowhere to be found." I thought back to that day, and smiled. "And after about an hour, you found it..."

"In a tree." We said, in unison. I turned to him and smiled. I looked behind him and pointed to a nearby tree.

"That one right there." I said, he glanced back and smiled. Whenever Thor lost something, everyone would joke and ask him if he had checked the tree. "Thor's tree..." my finger drifted from the tree, to where we were standing.

"And, Peter and Y/N's bridge." I said, smiling. Another set of tears raced each other down my face.

"Hah, yeah..." He whispered, pain in his voice. He looked into my eyes. He was smiling, but his eyes were sad. He had lost his brother, and it destroyed him. The two were inseparable, and without Thor, it was obvious Loki felt lost. He blinked and looked down at the water. I put my hand on top of his, wrapping a few fingers under his palm. I looked out at the now deep blue and purple sky, and gently ran my thumb over the top of his hand. I saw him glance at our hands, then back out to the horizon.




sorry this chapter is so shortttt

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