Princess of Asgard

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"Lady Y/n! Wait!" Thor stumbled up to me, holding a small box. He handed me the box. "It is customary in Asgardian culture for the sibling or parent of the groom to give the bride her first pair of cuffs." My face went red at the word cuffs, and Thor backtracked. "Bracelet cuffs, not- not-" he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, they are worn by the bride during her coronation."

"Thank you, Thor." I said, giving him a hug. Inside the box were two gold cuffs, about four inches long.

"Hammered gold. Asgardian crafted." Thor smiled.

"I love them."


"Ah, fuck!"

"Breathe, darling."

"Shut up, it's stuck!"

"I told you there was no need for a corset, and this was the reason!" Loki tugged on the corset laces one last time. "Can you breathe properly?" I nodded, taking off the arm bands Thor had gifted me. He went to his dresser and sifted through the drawers. "I hope you weren't too fond of this corset." he held up a dagger.

"Man, fuck this corset." I fumed. Loki laughed and walked behind me. The pressure around my torso was released, and air rushed into my lungs. "Shit." I breathed, tossing the damned thing onto the bed. "I am so glad this isn't the Victorian era."

"A truly strange time in Midgardian history. Such strange hairstyles." he pecked my lips and tossed the dagger on the bed.

"Ouch." I rubbed where the corset had rubbed on my hips. "So, do you think it went well?" the coronation had went smoothly in my opinion, but Loki was a royal, and had more experience with royal affairs. I started to peel off the layers of clothing that were bolstering my way too huge gown.

Loki scoffed. "Of course it went well." he walked to me and took the tiara off my head. "You forgot about this."

'Oh, it's not like I was wearing it all day." I said sarcastically. 

"The people of Asgard are clearly thrilled to have a Princess. The politicians believe an Asgardian-Midgardian marriage is good for making alliances, the warriors love the idea of a Valkyrie Princess, Thor's elated to have a sister..." he pulled me into a deep kiss. "All is well." he said, after breaking the kiss. "I love you, Y/N"

"I love you too."



Its feels like just yesterday that I posted the first chapter of Thaw. I didn't expect this to blow up the way it did and I will forever be grateful that you all actually took the time to read my stuff. This is going to sound sappy but I really hate marking Thaw as complete. Its been my baby (and favorite child) ever since I posted that first chapter. I think you can really see my writing change through the fic and its kinda cool (also a bit cringe but whatever). 


Since this is nothing but a mediocre Loki fan fiction, disregard all the cringe sappy shit you just read and look at some MEMES

Me, when I realize Thaw is complete:

Me, when I realize Thaw is complete:

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