Cooling down

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"Miss YN, Mr Stark has requested me to inform you that the Air Conditioning is properly functioning in the main room." FRIDAY's announcement made me jump.

"You wanna go down?" I turned in my chair to Loki, who shook his head solemnly. I stood up and walked to the edge of the bed, where he was sitting. "They're your friends, they would never judge you." I bent down and kissed his cool forehead. "Plus, if they do, I'll kick their asses."

"I'd rather stay up here." Loki said, smiling sadly.

"Alright. I'll be right back." I smiled and went to the door.

I opened the bedroom door, and was greeted with Tony, fist up, about to knock on the door.

"Oh, hey." he said, dropping his hand. "I was just about to-" his "o" trailed off as he looked past me. Shit. I could practically feel Loki's pained facial expression behind me. "Is that what happens when gods get sick?" Tony asked, sounding actually concerned, not sarcastic or teasing. I turned back to Loki, who was asleep, book open facedown on his chest.

"Yeah. It's a sickness only Asgardians can get, called the Azure Flu. Super rare, and super contagious. If you're a god." I lied, hoping Tony would buy it.

"Okay. Weird." Tony shrugged, pulling his glasses off and rubbing them on his shirt. "I'm ordering a shitload of ice cream for the team, you two want any?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll have [favorite flavor] and, uh." I glanced back at Loki, who had his back to me. "You'll have to ask Thor what Loki likes, I have no clue." Tony nodded and left.

I shut the door behind him and went back to the bed, walking around to the empty side.

"Why not just tell the entire realm of my heritage?" Loki murmured sourly.

"Tony is none the wiser, he thinks it's the Azure Flu." I told him, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Silver tounge." Loki grinned, sitting up.

"I learned from the best." His red eyes were happy, and I couldn't help but smile. "Now, you want anything? I am in dire need of lunch." I said, putting my hand to me forehead and dropping into the mattress.

"I..." Loki trailed off, thinking about his words for a moment. "I'll go with you." he said after some time. I rolled to my side and met his eyes with a confused look. "They need to know." he stood up, and walked to the side I was on. "They're my family."

Loki bent over me with a smirk, and held out a hand. I took his hand and he pulled me up halfway, then let go. I flopped back onto he bed.

"Not fair." I huffed, sitting up.

He rolled his eyes and we both walked to the door. I saw him stiffen before he opened the door.

The reactions of the team were as expected. Clint squeezed his eyes shut and opened them, then glanced around the room. Nat had a straight face, with no sign of shock or surprise. Bruce took his glasses off, and wiped them on his shirt, then put them back on. Steve furrowed his eyebrows and Tony just leaned against the counter and sipped whatever he was drinking.

Thor entered the room and looked like he was about to have a heart attack. His eyes nearly popped out of his head and he dropped Mjolnir on the ground, making a sizable divot in the floor.

"Brother?" Thor squeaked, voice higher than I've ever heard before.

Loki then explained to the team his parentage. Everyone was as accepting and kind as I knew they would be. Bruce and Loki had a little moment, since both of them had sides they didn't exactly enjoy at times.

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