Gauntlet Removal Service!

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"SLEEP!!" Mantis shouted from atop Thanos' head. I felt his grip begin to loosen, and pulled at his fingers, trying to release myself. I felt myself getting light headed, and my vision was blurry. I kicked against his torso and finally freed myself from his grasp. My vision went completely black, but I was still, somehow awake. Before I hit the ground, something stopped me. I was moved away and set down, my vision started to return and I saw Loki, looking down at me. He set me against a pile of rubble. I took a sharp breath, and was met with intense pain. It seared my throat, my hands flew up to it, as I gasped for air.

"Shit!" I croaked, head spinning.

"Here, let me help." Loki said, putting his hands on the sides of my head. I pushed them away, and sat forward.

"No, save your strength." I breathed, trying to stand. He pushed down on my shoulders, keeping me from standing.

"You cant go out there, not until you let me help you." He insisted, looking into my eyes. My head was pounding and I couldnt see straight. Reluctantly, I nodded, causing my head to spin again. He brushed a few strands of hair away from my face, and put his hands to the sides of my head again. He gently rubbed his fingers on my temples and, slowly, I felt the pain in my head lessening. My throat was still burning, but I could finally think straight. I looked up to Loki, and mustered a weak smile.

"Thanks." I said, quietly. He helped me up and I looked to where Thanos was. Peter was struggling to pull off his gauntlet along with Tony. The others had him pinned down, as Mantis tried her best to keep him sedated. We both ran to help them. I joined Peter and Tony, forming masses of energy.

"Gauntlet Removal Service! You make it, we take it!" I said, placing my hands firmly on the opposite side of the gauntlet. I shoved the glove towards them, using the energy to add extra momentum. Blue lightning-like energy coursed down Thanos' arm, as the gauntlet was loosened. Loki helped hold his arm down. At that momment, a woman with blue and purple skin appeared.  She walked to Thanos, looking at him.

"Father, I have located the mind stone, where is Gamora?" She asked, bowing. Father?!!?  Thanos dipped his head.

"Hey, what's going on here? Who are you?" I asked, shoving the glove a bit harder. The woman turned to me, angry.

"None of your concern." She spat, turning back to Thanos. I looked to the others. Quills face was white as a sheet.

"Where is Gamora?" Quill shouted, causing Thanos to resist more. Mantis struggled even more, as Thanos' face twisted in a sad expression.

"Wheres Gamora?" Quill asked, again. Mantis let out a pained cry. Thanos started to move around, fighting against everyone.

"What is he doing?!?!" Loki shouted, trying to keep Thanos still.

"He-he mourns!" Mantis shrieked. Quill only got angrier.

"Why? Why is he mourning!?!?" He asked, hands shaking. I looked back to the gauntlet. "What could you possibly have to mourn?!?!" Quill persisted. One of the missing spots was now filled in. My heart sank when I recognized the stone was now there. I think I know where Gamora is.

"The soul stone was on Vormir." The woman said, turning to Quill.

"It is extremely powerful, and requires a sacrifice." Quill staggered back, realizing what was happening. Oh no.

"A soul for a soul."

"NO!!" Quill roared, launching himself forward, slamming into Thanos, and knocking Mantis off. The gauntlet was pulled back on, sending all three of us flying backwards. I was thrown on the ground, but swiftly stood back up. Thanos was now fully conscious, there was no way we could get the glove off now. Everyone tried to stop him, attacking from every corner. I was the first to reach him, I sent ball after ball, rocketing towards him, to no avail. I formed another blade and tried to get a hit, any hit, in. I swung at his head, using the technique Loki had taught me. Thanos thrust his hand up at the last second, catching my blade between his thumb and index finger. He turned it to face me, and used the blue feild to send it careening into my shoulder. I fell back, shouting in pain. I quickly made the blade dissapear, which only made it hurt more. Loki shouted, and Thanos turned away from me.

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