After Party

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okay bonus chapter bc i just had to include this scene!

I present to you: one whole chapter of drunk loki.

"Thor, you absolute champion~" Loki slurred his words a bit. "One more mug, and you are going to pass out."

"Okay, okay." I laughed. Both of those boys had drank way too much. "Loki, let's get you to bed."

"But, darling~" he made puppy dog eyes at me.

"No, no-" I looked away. "none of that, lets go."

"Fine." he stood up quickly, then fell back onto the couch. "Hey, who pushed me?"

"Oh, goodness."

"Allow me." Thor grabbed his brother, throwing him over his shoulder and walking off down the hall. He was slightly less intoxicated than his brother.

"Thats a sight." Tony snorted. I saw Peter snap a few photos and ran to follow Thor.

The thunder god kicked open the bedroom door, marching through enthusiastically. He tossed Loki onto the bed and turned on his heels.

"Adeiu, fair lady~" he tipped his crown to me and staggered out of the room, slamming into the bookshelf by the door before leaving. "Friends!" he shouted as Nat and Wanda walked past. I laughed, shutting the door and turning to Loki.

"Lets get you out of those clothes, hm?" I reached for the strap of his leather armor, but he pushed my hand away.

"No, no, I'm married."

I held back a chuckle, sitting on the bed next to him. "You are, now?"

"Yeah." he gave a goofy smile.

"Is she pretty?"

"Gorgeous." he looked up to the ceiling.

"Well, I'm flattered, love." I said, reaching again for his armor strap.

"Stop that~" he scooched away. "I have a wife."

I let out a laugh. "I am your wife"

"No, you're not, my wife doesn't wear that color, she told me herself." he gave a smug grin.

That gave me an idea, so I stood from the bed and went to the closet. "Okay, I'll leave you alone." I pulled off the (least fav color) dress and stepped into a silk nightgown. I pulled my hair out of the braid it was in and brushed it out. When I finished, I went back into the bedroom.

"There you are, darling." Loki smiled.

"Yep. I'm here." I bit my cheek to keep from laughing. He was adorable. "Want some help with that?" I asked, watching him struggle with the clasps of his armor.

Loki nodded, sitting up. I started undoing the clasps, but he pulled me into a kiss, hand moving to my thigh.

"Nuh-uh, sir." I pulled back, undoing the last clasp. "You are drunk, therefore not cognizant enough for valid consent, up." he leaned forward, and I slipped off the armor piece. "There we go." I went to the closet and put the armor in its place on the rack, then went back out. Loki was staring at his shirt, hands glowing green. "Loki..." I gave him a look, and he stopped. "No drunk magic." last time he tried a spell while intoxicated, he nearly blew the whole place up.

"I'm not drunk, darling. Gods don't get drunk on Midgard wine."

"Fine then." I folded my arms smugly. "If you aren't drunk, stand up and get undressed yourself."

"Challenge accepted~" he slurred, stepping up and undoing his belt buckle.

The next few moments came in slow motion. He lifted one foot up, and tipped to the side. When he scrambled to put the foot back down and steady himself, it caught in his leather pants and he went crashing to the ground.

"I told you." I stepped next to him, looking down.



Happy Easter yall!

Happy Easter yall!

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