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"Okay, I just finished the last Midgardian book." Loki said, setting his book down with a triumphant thud.

"You got through Shakespeare that fast?" I asked, surprised. He gave me a small shrug and smiled. I stood up from the couch. "Well, I'm bored. You wanna go and get some new books, and something to eat?"

"Are you sure you dont have psychic abilities?" He asked, smiling. I wiggled my fingers in front of me.

"You never know.." I said in a ominous voice. I walked past him to the door. "I'm getting warmer clothes before we go, I do not wanna know what Cap felt for all those years." I joked, walking to my room. 

I heard his footsteps behind me. I turned around, walking backwards. "You are following me because?" I turned into my room and faced the doorway. He walked in a second later, smiling.

"I have to make sure you dont go out looking ridiculous. Most Midgardians have pitiful fashion tastes." I made a shocked face.

"Uh, okay Mr. All-Black-Suit." I said, rolling my eyes and walking to my closet.

"I think my suit is rather, what's the phrase?...poppin' " I burst into laughter and popped my head out of the closet.

"What?" He asked, bewildered. "Does that mean something else?"

"No." I giggled. "Its just, hearing you use earth slang-" I shook my head laughing. "It-it kills me every time!" I walked back in and pulled out a forest green turtleneck and high-waisted, black corduroy pants. I looked to him and raised a brow. "Now, skedaddle." He left and I pulled on my outfit. I walked to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Hm. Makeup is fine, but this needs something..." I said to myself, turning in the mirror. I put on a pair of gold earrings Nat got me for my birthday. I stared at myself, remembering the past. Nearly one year had went by since Thanos won. I cant just forget them all. We were still working on finding a way to get them back. We have to find a way. I peered down at the gold bracelet on my left wrist. I was going to return it to Mantis, no matter what. We'll do whatever it takes.

I walked out of the bathroom, and out the door. I found Loki in the sitting room, waiting.

"Okay, maybe you were kinda right about the whole Midgardian fashion thing." I said, he turned around and sat up.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked, looking me up and down and smiling.

"I dont suppose you have any kind of belt I could borrow?" I asked, shifting my weight to one foot. He arched his brow. I rolled my eyes, knowing that Tony had gotten him basically the entire Gucci store.

"Perhaps." He mused, standing up. He walked into his room.

 A momment later, he returned, belt in hand. "Catch!" He said, tossing it to me. I reached up, it flew past my hand, and smacked on the ground.

"My hands are here, not up here." I said raising my hands in the air. He made a face as I turned around grabbing the belt off the floor. I looked at it. It was a simple black belt with a gold logo in the center. I put it on and looked down at myself. "Perfect. Thanks." I said looking back up at Loki. He gave me two thumbs up and pointed to the door.

We had spent quite some time at the bookstore. It was the same one we went to all those years ago. Loki had purchased a large amount of books, and put them in the backseat.

"So, where to for food?" I asked, plopping down in the driver's seat. He shrugged.

"What about Lee Stan's?"


I drove to the restaurant and we went in. It was surprisingly busy, for such a small place. The hostess took us to a seat by the window and we sat, looking over the menu for a minute.

"Ready to order?" A quiet voice asked. I looked up. A short woman was standing at the table. She looked a lot like Mantis. Her hair was exactly the same. I nodded, looking to Loki who nodded as well. Not long after, our food arrived. We ate and chatted.

"Wow, it's a blizzard out there." I commented, looking out the window. The sky was getting dark, and the snow was whipping around the air. Cars drove past, coated in fresh snow. The road was starting to accumulate a sludge over it. "Not looking forward to driving in that." I added, going back to my food. 

I glanced to Loki, his eyes darted from me, outside. His face was angled to the window, resting on his hand. I leaned to the side, trying to meet his eyes.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked, tilting my head. He blinked, turning to me and sitting up.

"Pardon?" He leaned forward, brows furrowing.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked, smiling.

"Oh, nothing." He looked around. "Ready to go?" I nodded and we stood up, walking to the counter. I paid and we left.

It was late at night when we got back to the compound. We walked inside, books in hand. I set Lokis books down in his room, and he followed me out.

"Oh, right." I said, reaching down and unbuckling the belt.

I pulled the two ends out of the first set of loops and twisted around, to take it out the back. I was pulled forward by the belt. My head turned and looked up. Loki was looking down at me, smirking. My face flushed and I looked down. His hands were wrapped around the straps if the belt. He let one hand go, and brought it to my chin, tilting my face up. Where his hand was touching felt like it was on fire. As I looked onto his eyes, my heart jumped around my chest. He leaned forward slowly. The momment his lips touched mine, time stopped. My face was what the brightest shade of red ever. My hands were at my side, thumbs in the belt loop. I was convinced that for a momment my heart stopped. He pulled back, smiling. He winked, swiftly stepping back in his room and closing the door. I glanced around the hall, no one else was there. I looked down, the belt was still there. I walked to my room and shut the door.



My parents, wondering why I'm blushing at my screen:

My parents, wondering why I'm blushing at my screen:

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Hey, you're looking pretty damn BEAUTIFUL today <3

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