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"Tony, what the hell? Loki, what the hell? Everyone in this goddamn room, WHAT THE HELL!?!?" Fury shouted, helping Tony up.

"Stark stabbed him!" Thor said, trying to help Loki stand.

"Yeah, and he stabbed him back." Steve added.

"What is it with you and stabbing?" Fury asked Loki.

"It was self defense." Loki growled, still holding his stomach. He looked down at his wound, in horror. It looked bad. I've seen all kinds of stab wounds, and that was not a normal one.

"Hows it feel, horns?" Tony asked, sounding extra cocky.

"What was in that blade, Stark?" Thor demanded.

"Oh, that, just my new favorite thing. You know, being able to take down an immortal idiot really has its perks." He responded. Brunnhilde sighed and shook her head.

"I am a god , you dull mortal." Loki said, through gritted teeth. His eyebrows were angled so much that they almost covered his eyes. His eyes were narrowed, a small sliver of green on his face.

"Quit your bickering. Tony, you're standing here, unscathed, while he has a hole in his stomach. Care to explain?" Fury asked.

"Yes, enlighten us with your tale of woe." Loki said, as Thor stepped away. Tony stepped out of his suit. He looked to where Loki had plunged his blades. He stared at his suit, then walked to it, pulling the daggers from it. He walked to Loki, holding out the daggers, seemingly as a peace offering. Loki turned his head to face Thor and gave him a puzzled look. I saw Tony's fingers flick around the hilt, just as he stepped toward Loki. He raised his hand up, angled at Lokis open wound, faster than I've seen him move before. Shit!  I quickly fired a mass of energy at Tony's hands, blasting the daggers out of them.

"WHAT THE FUCK TONY?!?!" I shouted. He turned to me, an insane amount of anger on his face. Loki looked to his daggers, Tony, then to me. His mouth was open, in an angry and shocked expression. "What is your problem?" I asked, standing defensively. "Cant you just leave it?" He stepped toward me.

"No, but you can. Leave. Now. " he said, pointing down the stairs.

"Tony, this is hard enough without infighting. There was no reason for what you just did. Goddamn, you cant go two minutes  without trying to kill each other!"

"Each other? Last time I checked, Stark was the one that tried to attack me. AGAIN." Loki said, pointing to Tony, who was walking angrily down the steps. A man in a SHEILD suit came up the stairs, keeping a distance from Tony as he did.

"You were instigating! You knew exactly what you were doing!" Clint said, glaring at Loki.

"Yes, but that doesn't warrant getting stabbed!" I responded. Clint opened his mouth to speak, then looked away, with a blank expression, and Nat put her hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, there are some people who want to speak to you." The SHEILD agent said, in a small voice. Shoot, the two have fought so much, we forgot about the two ships full of people waiting outside. As if on cue, the group from the ship we borrowed burst in.

"Dude! Weve been here for hours! What's the catch?" Quill asked, hoping up the stairs, followed by the others.

"We are trying  to find a safe planet, but two of us cant seem to be in the same room without trying to kill each other." Fury glanced to Loki. "Were gonna be here a while, someone take him to the lab and get him help." Fury looked at me. "Y/N, can you? You seem to be the only one who has the balls to stop Tony from doing any stupid shit." He gave the others a scornful look. I nodded and walked to join Loki at the stairs. He was holding his stomach again. The fact that Tony could successfully injure a god was scary. "Just go down that hall and make a right, you'll see it." He added. We walked down the stairs and out the room. As soon as we got into the hall, I looked to Loki.

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