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Extra long (and fluffy) chapter bc I love yall and I graduated Sunday.

[Loki POV👌]

I awoke with a jolt. Y/N was fast asleep, laying on my chest. I smiled, looking down at the woman. It was only then that I noticed why I had woken up. Stinging pain rang throughout my head, and it was warm in the room. As I reached up to try and alleviate my headeache, I noticed my skin was darker.

It took a moment to register that my skin wasnt darker because of the light, or lack thereof.




I gasped and shoved YN off of me, praying to the Norns that she was unharmed.


My eyes flew open and I sat straight up, blinking in the darkness. Did I fall off the bed? I felt the soft mattress under me. Nope. Definitely still in bed. It was hot in the room, not unbearably, just hot enough to make anyone in it sweat.

"Loki?" I asked groggily. Why is it so hot in here? I turned and saw him, standing at the edge of the bed, staring at his arms in horror. "What's going on?" I stood up and went to him, but every step towards him I took, he would only take one back.

"No, Y/N, stay away-" he said, voice shaky. "please."

"Why? What's wrong?" I turned the bedside lamp on and my eyes went wide.

Loki's skin was a deep blue, and his eyes were ruby red. He looked mortified as I scanned his face. His face had raised lines on it, but he still looked exactly the same. His chest was the same, deep blue with detailed lines all over.

"Dont look at me..." he turned away from me.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong, should I call Thor?"

"No. Please, just...-just forget about this." he looked down at his hands angrily. "What is wrong with me?" he growled. "This is pathetic."

I stepped in front of him, but he took a step back. I tried again, one step forward, he took two back.

"Loki." he put a hand to his head and winced. "Please, just talk to me." I walked to him, and he walked backwards. After a few steps his back was to the bedroom wall, and I reached for his hand.

"Dont touch me!" he snapped. I stepped back, shocked. His face dropped to a sad expression. "I could hurt you."


"Have you heard of Jotunheim?" Loki asked. He sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at him and shook my head. "It is the home of the Frost Giants." he looked to his hands. "It's where I'm from. I was never an Asgardian. Never an Odinson." he balled his fists. "Never anything but a monster."

"Hey." I whispered, standing in front of him. "That's not true."

"It is. I'm the monster that parents tell their children of at night." he looked down and shook his head. "The bastard son of Odin..."

I put my finger under his chin and he flinched. I tilted his head up to look at me. "Don't say those things, Loki. You are not a monster." he sighed and shifted his gaze away from me. "Hey, look at me." I said softly, moving my hands to hold his cool face. He grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands off, scanning over my palms.

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