The Beginning of the End-Game.

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"Glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freakin fingers?" 

The room went compltely silent. Eyes darted around, waiting. 

"I will. Hulk can take it." Bruce said, after an agonozing silence. He walked to the glove slowly. 

"It could kill you, Banner." Tony warned. Bruce shrugged. 

"Whatever it takes." He said simply. "Plus, the radiation is mostly Gamma......Its like I was made for this." He added.

 Everyone exchanged glances. Tony formed his suit around himself and made a sheild, protecting him and Clint. Scott flipped his mask over his face and I made a large wall of energy in front of me and Loki. I glanced at him, we both shared the same worried expression. I grabbed his hand as Bruce slipped the glove on. Immediately, he let out a cry of pain as the veins on his arm lit up with energy. My eyes widened as his entire arm was engulfed in bright light. His shirt began to rip as the light went up his arm and to his shoulder. 

"Talk to me, Banner." Tony said, from inside his suit. Bruce nodded.

"I'm okay...." He breathed, eyes shut tightly. "I'm okay..." He shouted in pain as he brought his fingers together slowly. 

He snapped his fingers, then fell to the floor. 

"Bruce!" Steve shouted, running to his side. I vanished my shield and joined the others at his side. The arm the gauntlet was on was completely singed, Tony sprayed it down with a mist and it shrunk back to Bruce's normal size. 

"Guys...." Scott said, smiling ear to ear. "I think it worked." He ran out of the room excitedly.

Clint's cellphone began to ring, and his face lit up. I looked up at Loki and smiled. We both walked out to where Scott went. More animals were outside, everything looked brighter and fuller. I threw my arms around Loki and held him tight.

"We di-" A loud blast cut my words off. We both were thrown back, crashing through the wall. I landed a few feet from him, in a pile of rubble.

"Y/N!" Loki shouted, trying to stand.

"The hell was that?!?!" I said, sitting up and looking around. The entire compound was leveled, a smoking, demolished mess. My back hurt, and my head was spinning. The suit I had been wearing, one that Nat gave me, had a few large tips in it where I was cut by sharp rubble. Loki approached me and helped me stand, fear painted across his face.

"Its Thanos." He said in a tone I hadn't heard before.

"Thanos? I thougt he we took care of the purple bastard!" I looked around for Scott. "Scott? Where are you!?!" I tried to reach him through the suits comms. I got a pained groan as a response. "Tony? Steve? Rhodey?" I asked, walking through the rubble carefully.

"This...this is not good." Loki stated.

"Anyone need help?" I asked. Steve replied and I made my way through what used to be the hallway, headed to what used to be the lab. "Me and Loki are on our way." Nebula met us halfway.

"Oh, thank goodness, I'm on my way to help Steve and the others, I might need some extra help." I said. She did nothing but stare blankly. "Neb? You okay?" She glared and threw a fist at my face. I dodged and grabbed her wrist as it crossed. "What are you doing?"

"Give me the glove." She demanded, kicking me in the side.

"Neb!" I protested. She got free from my group and swung again. Her fist slammed into my face and jolted me back. When I whipped my head back up, Loki had both her hands twisted behind her back.

"Give me the glove, and I won't kill you." She said, trying to break free.

"Not happening." Loki growled, putting a magic pair of handcuffs on her and tossing her to the ground.

"Neb, what's wrong with you?" I asked, hurt. Surely this isn't Nebula, it can't be.

"I dont even know who you are!" She spat, struggling against her restraints.

"Oxygen being cut off!" Tony's voice sounded through the comms, ushering me to leave the strange Nebula. We entered the room and began to search.

"Daaay-o!" I called, trying to both get a response and lighten the mood. A few muffled, weak responses sounded off, in the same area. "Alrighty, hold on guys." I focused on the large chunk of rubble and lifted it up. Tony and Bruce were under it. Loki went over and pulled them both out.

"Steve, Rhodey, gimme a holler." I said. Two shouts sounded from opposite corners. I checked that Loki and the others were far away before letting the large rock slam back down. I ran to where Rhodey was, since it was closer and began lifting the rubble off him, by hand at first, then using my powers to get the larger chunks.

"I gotcha." I said, grabbing Rhodey by himself chest piece and hoisting him to his feet. He stumbled a bit, then rubbed his head and smiled.

"Thanks, you go find Scott, I'll get Steve." He said, stepping back. I pointed him in the direction of Steve and turned to the others.

"The deranged Barney is back, were gonna have to kick his ass again. This time, I'm gonna make sure the bastard stays dead."

"Dammit, Thanos again?" Tony groaned, standing up.

I heard a crack above me and looked up. Before I could react, a large piece of rock fell. I was shoved out of the way and rolled, grabbing a rusty metal bar to keep from falling off the edge of the building. I used a platform of energy to float up, and see what had happened.

"Loki!" I shoued. He was trapped under the rubble, face down. I lifted it off him with my powers and dropped to his side.

"I'm fine, love." He said, rolling over. "I'm a god, remember?" I furrowed my brows and he smiled, sitting up.

"Speaking of gods-" I held my hand out and Miolnjir came up, smashing through what was left of the lab wall, and flew into my hand. "This little wepaon-of-the-gods doohickey might be helpful." I said, Loki was looking at it, smiling.


Here, a cursed image of Chris in the Thor suit (well, half of it) and wig with coffee

Here, a cursed image of Chris in the Thor suit (well, half of it) and wig with coffee

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Steve 24/7:

(I made this meme lmao use it as a reaction pic)

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(I made this meme lmao use it as a reaction pic)


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