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It was well into the evening, when we all decided to quit playing truth or dare. Tony had drank a significant amount of shots and Loki had not yet tried to hit me. I guess he either forgot, or didnt want to.

"So, who wants food?" Tony asked standing up.

"Me!" Peter sat up, looking away from his phone. Others all sounded in agreement.

"Okay, so, what's everyone want?" Tony asked, looking around. He was surprisingly stable, despite the overwhelming amount of alcohol he had consumed. I guess Avengers aren't lightweights. Everyone shrugged.  "Y/N, you choose." He pointed  at me with his empty glass. Oh boy, this will be fun.

"Oh, uh, I dont know."  Tony peered down, longingly at his glass, then turned and looked at me 

"What about Pizza?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, good idea, peter." I said smiling.

"Okay, then. If anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace!" Tony said, picking his phone up and walking out of the room, before anyone could say anything. I turned to Peter, who smiled.

"So, Peter, what school do you go to?" I asked, looking at the pile of papers that were shoved in the corner along with his backpack.

"Midtown High School." He said, pointing to a logo on his sweater. I had heard of that school, but that was long ago, in a time that I'd like to forget.

"Oh, nice. That's like, a Science and Technology based school, right?"

"Yeah." I tried my best not to smile when I sensed Loki, starting to slowly shift. I didnt even need to look in his direction, it was painfully obvious what he was doing. I saw him quickly reel his fist back, and send it sailing throught the air at record speed. I whipped my arm up and grabbed his wrist, as tightly as I could, stopping to almost immediately. I turned to him, a smug grin on my face.

"Almost." I said, letting his wrist go. His eyes were wide and he stared at me, shocked. I heard Thor chuckle from where he was standing.

"What the-" Loki started.

"I'm impressed, I guess Fury was right about you." Natasha walked over to the back of the couch. "You should train with us tomorrow."


"Yeah. What, you think we dragged you all the way out here just for one day?" She asked.

"Uh, kinda." I replied. I could still see Loki, looking at his hand, confused, out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh, no, you're stuck with us now. Welcome to the team, Y/N." As she said that, I heard a noise of protest next to me.  Natasha rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Oh, now shes an avenger. Shes been here for one day!" Loki spat, looking more hurt than angry.

"Oh, quit your whining, brother, you know why shes an Avenger and you're not." Thor said from the opposite end of the room.

"Actually, I dont, care to fill me in?" Loki replied, angrily. Thor stood straight up, I had to admit, it was scary, seeing such a powerful person like him get angry. I sank down in my seat, knowing that If I pissed either of them off, I'd probably be squashed like a bug.

"You know DAMN WELL why, Loki! Dont you dare try to pin this on anyone but yourself!"
Thor boomed. Thankfully, Tony walked back in at the same time.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, can we take the sibling rivalries elsewhere? I'd like Y/N to stay, and so far, all everyone seems to be doing is fighting." Tony turned to Loki. "Please, let's all try to not scare away our newest member." Tony picked up his glass, walked to the kitchen, and started making yet another drink.

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