Space Battle

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I was looking out the window, taking in the veiw. I had seen a lot, but never anything like this. I had never imagined that I would be sitting in a spaceship, in space, on a mission with the Avengers.

"First time in space?" Loki asked, smiling.

"Yeah." I nodded. He motioned for me to join him at the front of the ship. I walked to him and he pointed to a strip of stars that had a planet at the end of it.

"I've been to that planet, and all that's there is a small village. The planet is 10 times smaller than Midgard- or-Earth." He said.

"That's cool!" I stared at the planet, realizing that it wasn't the perspective making it look small. Peter walked over.

"Space is so epic! I'm so glad Mr Stark let me come. Oh, thanks, Y/N, you convinced him to let me." He said. I smiled and looked back at him. He was a smart kid, but young, I could understand why Stark wouldn't want him coming, then again, he shouldn't have made Peter an Avenger if everything was 'too dangerous'.

"Oh, no problem. He really should let you come more, if it weren't for your idea, we would be in trouble." I said.

"There it is." A voice said from next to me. Loki was peering out at another ship. It was huge, with a window spanning the entire front of it. Thor walked to where we all were.

"Okay, let's go." He said, walking to the door. Loki stood and joined him.

"Wait, what about the others?" I asked.

"Right. We have to speak to Stark before we go." Thor said, walking back to the window. He moved the ship on top of the other's, linking the two together. A port opened in the floor and Tony crawled in.

"Okay, Thor, come with me. You three are going to get the people off the ship safely. Let's go!" He went to go back in the hole.

"Excuse me, why am I on babysitting duty?" Loki asked, walking to him. His face was confused and annoyed.

"Hey!" I said.

"Sorry, why are we on babysitting duty?" He corrected himself.

Peter looked up. "Hey!"

Tony motioned to Loki "They are your people." Tony motioned to me, then Peter. "you're new, and you're not ready to face these kinds of guys yet."

"Mr Stark, I can-"

"Kid, we dont know what these punks are capable of. I dont want you getting hurt."

"B-but-" he started, distraught. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, weve got the best part, we get to help people, without having to hurt anyone." I reassured him. He gave me a weak smile.

"I guess you're right." He said, looking down.

Tony nodded to me and hopped down, followed by Thor. Loki sighed and brought the ship behind the other's. They linked their ship to the captured one, and after a bit, moved. Loki brought the ship down and opened the port. I walked to it and looked down, it looked safe from where I was standing, which was good. I looked to Peter, who had pulled his mask on. Loki was standing behind him.

"Adios!" I said, saluting them and hopping down in the hole. I landed in what looked to be a hallway. A window spanned the long walkway. I moved out of the way and Peter came down, followed by Loki. Shouts were coming from the end of the hall. I glanced at Loki and began to run toward the sound. I rushed through the corridors, following the sound. I stopped at a door that looked battered from the inside. Muffled shouts were coming from behind the door. Loki and Peter stood next to me. I stepped back.

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