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We had spent a long time on the ship, and were nearly to the point where we would meet up with Nick. I hope Tony has calmed down and reconsidered everything. I felt bad for Loki, who was only trying to save everyone. I had no idea what the cube he had did, but it must've been powerful, considering the way everyone reacted to him giving it to Thanos. Whatever it did, it was in good hands. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to help get it back, unless Tony has changed his mind. I leaned back and closed my eyes, head resting against the wall. I took a deep breath and thought about everything that had went down. The last time I fought someone like I did today was so long ago. The images flashed before my eyes. I tried my best to stop thinking about it. I hated everything about my past, and reliving it was like torture.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked, quietly. I opened my eyes to see Loki, sitting next to me.

"Oh, yeah, just tired."

"Stark cant kick you off the team. Fury wont let him." He responded. "Its your first day. You cant be expected to perform perfectly."

"Yeah, but I shouldn't have tried to stop Thanos." I said, looking down.

"If you didnt, it would have been a massacre." He said, reassuringly. Although, it wasn't very reassuring. "He's a titan, and you beat him. That's an insanely difficult thing to do."

"I didnt beat him. He just didnt kill me."

"I dont see him following us, and everyone is here in one piece, I'd call that beating him."

"You were the one that stopped him." I replied, turning to the window.

"I simply gave him what he wanted. He could have easily slaughtered every one in there. In fact, he should have, it would have eliminated his only major threat." I turned back to him and he looked into my eyes. "But he didnt. You beat him. You scared him off. You wounded him. You were powerful enough to strike fear into a titian. In fact, he thought you were powerful enough to join him. Do you know how strong all his warriors are?" I looked down to my injuries. Yeah. I do.

"Loki's right, Y/N, Thanos is extremely powerful, he beat all of us. But not you. You're very a strong warrior. Tony would be a fool to kick you off." Thor added.

"I wont let him!" Peter said. I smiled at him.

"Neither will I. Not that my opinion means anything to him." Brunnhilde chimed in. Thor hummed in agreement.

"None of us will." Loki said, smiling warmly.

"You guys are awesome." I said. Although brief, my time with the Avenger proved to be very eventful. I already had a good relationship with most of the people I have met. Everyone on the team was amazing and strong.

We had finally arrived at the point were we would meet with Fury. I was excited to get out of space, as beautiful as it was. I saw the helicarrier in the distance, waiting for us. I looked to the others, everyone else seemed ready to go.

"We are going to have to speak to Stark about what we will do with the people." Thor said.

"What about Korg? Wasn't he-" I stopped when Thor bowed his head. "Im so sorry, Thor." I looked down as well. I had lost my fair share of loved ones.

"He is missing, not dead, there's still hope, brother. The others are ali-"

"Loki. Please." Thor interrupted, not looking up. Loki bit his lip, to stop himself from speaking, and sank down in his seat.

"Sorry." He whispered.

The other's ship hovered over top of us and linked up. The port opened, I was relieved to see Nat's face.

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