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Loki's eyes opened quickly, and he looked around.

"Oh, thank god!" I said, relieved. He stood up, next to me. A crash sounded and my wall was broken. Cull stormed in, once again trying to pick up his axe, successfully this time. Shit. I made a large axe, similar to his and looked to Loki. I motioned for him to get behind me and he did.

"Your leg!" He said, I turned back to him and looked down. Blood was seeping out of the suit, onto the green metal. It looked worse than it was.

"I'm fine!"

I ran at Cull, swinging my axe at his neck. He reached his hand and immediately stopped my axe, and threw it to the side, with me still holding onto it. He kicked my axe away and raised his above my head. Loki ran and thrust his remaining dagger into the back of Culls leg, causing him to contort in pain. Loki then shoved him back, making him drop his axe, thankfully, it landed on its side. Unfortunately, it also landed directly on my face, smashing my mask down, and then breaking it into pieces. Yep, definitely a broken nose. How ironic. I thought, trying to get the axe off of my face. It was lifted off my face and Loki helped me sit up.

"BEHIND YOU!" I shouted. Loki whipped around, but was swatted away by Cull. I tried to stand, but couldn't. I could feel blood dripping from my nose, and my leg was hurting worse now that I was moving at an angle. I formed a long, thick sword of matter and had it in front of me, latching it into a large crater in the floor. I lined it up with his chest as he picked his axe up, and once again prepared to bring it down. I made another ball of mass and sent it back. Loki got up and saw what I was trying to do, and grabbed yet another piece of rubble. As I sent the ball careening forward, he tossed the rubble in front of it, adding to the amount of force behind it. It slammed into Culls head, sending him flying forward. Loki tossed another piece of rubble into his feet, tripping him. He fell down, onto the sword I had formed and it pierced through his chest, and out his back. He fell onto my legs, crushing them. I let out a shout of pain as my leg wound was reopened. His axe fell with the same force and the blade plunged into the floor, a few inches from my chest, between my arm and side. The handle was across my chest, pinning me down, and pushing hard against me. I made the sword disappear as Loki rushed over, rolling Culls lifeless body off of my legs. I put my hands firmly on the handle, trying to free myself.

"I cant-" I grunted, trying to push the axe up, hoping that Cull wouldn't get back up. Loki put his hands on it, pulling with me. The force from Culls body had made the axe impossible to move.

"Stan, can you find any way to get this off me?" I asked, struggling under the pressure of the axe.

"I can fire the back thrusters, the force may be enough."

"Uh, sure." I was shot up with insane force, my body jolted, still pinned under the axe. I couldn't breathe, the air was knocked out of my lungs momentarily.

"Not working." I croaked. I looked at Loki, who made a pained face as he pushed on the handle. I shoved with all my strength, and the axe finally moved, slightly.

"Stan, gimme some firepower on those back thrusters, again." I said, locking my arms. I was pushed forward a bit, then shot upward, smacking into the ceiling, as the axe was freed from the ground. As quickly as I was shot up, I fell back to the ground. I threw my arms in front of myself as I laid on the ground.

"FREEDOM!" I cried, sitting up triumphantly. I stood up, looking at Cull, laying next to me. "Jeez that was unnecessarily hard." I swiped my hand across my forehead, surprised to feel the metal of my glove on my bare skin. Smashed mask. Right.

"This suit is absolutely fucked. Tony's gonna kill me" I commented. A loud noise echoed down the hall. Loki looked to the noise.

"If he's alive." He said, dashing to the hall. We nearly ran into Tony, who was coming down the hall. He had a panicked expression.

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