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The journey had been agonizing and we were only halfway home. I was sitting in a room, illuminated by a fragment of light. Footsteps echoed outside the room. I swiped at the tears on my cheeks and took a deep breath. Loki walked in the small room and paused in the doorway. His face was pained and sad. He stpped back, and started to leave.

"Wait!" I called after him. He reappeared in the door way. I motioned for him to come in the room and he did, standing above me. I waved my hand, inviting him to sit down. Reluctantly, he sat next to me, on the floor. He looked deep into my eyes and down to my hands. I brought them up, looking them over, making sure I want turning to dust. The recent events replayed in my head, causing tears to roll down my face. I dragged my hand down my entire face, stopping at my mouth and pressing my palm against it. I put my other hand on my leg as I leaned my back against the wall. Loki put his hand on top of mine and leaned back. It felt like the world was caving in, as I thought about it all. Everything hurt.

We sat, in silence for a long time.

I felt the entire ship heave, and stop moving. Footsteps came down the hall and to the room.

"We've arrived" Nebula said, poking her head in the room. I turned to Loki, his eyes were shut, he was sleeping. I sat up, gently nudging him, trying to wake him up.

"Loki." I said, softly. I tapped his shoulder and he still didnt move. His face was peaceful, I felt bad for waking him up. I took his hand in mine, and his eyes fluttered open. "Were here." I said, warmly. He nodded and I let go of his hand, standing up. Nebula walked down the hall and I paused, waiting for Loki. We both walked to the exit of the ship. I took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for what was going to happen.

As we stepped out, everything felt different. It felt foreign, like this was a planet I had never been to. We all walked to the compound, in silence. Tony walked ahead of us, and burst through the doors. Once we got to where the others were, I  noticed the familiar faces, and the lack thereof. My eyes scanned the room, noticing all the people that were missing. Nat walked to me and hugged me tightly. I was relieved she was still here. Everyone exchanged hugs and whatever words of comfort they could muster. I looked to Loki, his eyes were frantically darting around the room. My heart dropped when I realized who he was looking for. He looked to Steve, who bowed his head. Lokis eyes widened and he dashed out of the room. I looked down, heart breaking for him. Thor was gone, and he knew it.  I heard his footsteps again. I looked up and saw him walk back in the room. He stepped next to me and gave an emotionless stare to the group.


After some time, the others began to file toward the infirmary, to get their injuries taken care of. I reached for Lokis hand. Instead of skin, I felt nothing but air. My fingers passed through his hand, with a flash of green. He stared down at me, defeatedly. I looked around and met Nats eyes. She approached us, looking at the fake Loki.

"He was injured when he came in, so are you. You need to find him and take him to the infirmary." She said, pointing to our wounds.

"Nat, I cant. He just lost his brother. He needs to be alone."

"No, Nat is right." The illusion said, sighing. It had been some time since he found out Thor was gone, but not nearly enough in my opinion.

"What if you helped him, Y/N?" Nat suggested, tilting her head at the illusion. "You're trained in first aid, and you're the closest to him..." she stepped backwards, towards where the others went. I looked to the Loki illusion and he nodded, reluctantly. Nat walked out the door and the illusion led me down a hall.

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