Sleeping Insomniac

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I was once again, sitting on the bridge. I had put my legs through the slats between the metal bars, and they were dangling over the edge. It was around 2 or 3 am, and only a few lights along the path were lit up. There were stars dotted all across the deep blue sky, and the moon shone bright, casting a sliver light over everything. My legs were hurting, from sitting in the same position so I stood up and stretched. I felt the breeze brushing through my hair as I stood. I cimbed up, and sat on top of the railing. I sat and breathed in the night air. I liked coming out here at night, I couldnt sleep, so I used the time I should be asleep, to think. I loved coming down to the bridge at night and watching the sky. Sometimes, I would just sit and listen to the water, other times I would put earbuds in and listen to music. I looked up to my window and saw a figure in it. I squinted and the figure dissapeared. Moments later, someone walked out the back door. I watched them walk up the path, toward me. I smiled when their face came into veiw.

Loki stopped, standing next to me.

"You had me worried." He said, softly. I turned myself around, bringing my legs over the railing.

He stepped in front of me. "You should be sleeping."

"So should you." I said, looking down at him. "And what are you worried for?" I tilted my head.

"You weren't anywhere to be found." He answered. I leaned down to meet his eyes.

"I always come out here, when I cant sleep." I said, looking around. "And.. I never sleep." A light breeze blew past us, rustling through the trees. Loki reached up and pushed away a strand of hair that had blown in my face.

"You have to sleep, darling." He rested his hand on my cheek.

I thought about the numerous recurring nightmares I would have, every time I closed my eyes. Most of them were of Thanos, killing everyone in horrendous ways. I had seen Thanos violently kill Loki so many times, I was surprised it didn't actually happen. It was terrifyingly realistic and I often worried that it was the true reality, and that everything happening now is a dream.

It occured on the ship that was taken over by the Black Order. Thor was trapped, and being tortured, forcing Loki to hand over the Tesseract. Loki would try to trick Thanos by offering to help locate the stones on Earth. He gave Thanos the tesseract, and then lunged forward with a dagger, only for his blade to be stopped inches from Thanos, by a blue force. Thanos would then pick him up, and slowly crush his neck. Loki barely struggled, as his face turned blue. Blood would pour from his eyes as Thor watched helplessly from twisted metal bonding. The morbid scene would come to an end with Thanos dropping a dead Loki at Thor's feet and saying: "no resurrections this time."

I sometimes would look at Loki, and his face would appear, for an instant, as it did in the nightmare. I didn't want to close my eyes, fearing I wouldn't be able to open them, trapped forever in the nightmare.

This specific nightmare was especially terrifying, since I wasn't a part of it. It felt like I was seeing another reality, one where I wasn't with them when the ship was attacked.

I felt my heart start beating quicker, and my hands were beginning to shake, only enough for me to notice.

"I dont want to." I whispered, gazing into his eyes. He looked at me sympathetically. He was standing between my legs, looking up at me. Slowly, he wrapped his arms loosely around my waist.

"Why not?" He asked, quietly. His fingers danced across my lower back.

I shook my head. "I just dont." He cocked his head, not believing what I said. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, I hated that nightmare. It seemed so incredibly real, and I tried everything to forget it, including staying up all night. I felt him, playing with the material of my shirt on my back.

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