Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Heeeeeeey, guuuuuuys. Please don't murder me.
*Ducks has tomatoes get thrown."
I apologize for the long wait. I've been very unmotivated, and I didn't want to rush it because I wanted to give you a quality chapter.
I've also introduced myself to Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I am currently very infatuated with Zuko. I would expect a book for him at some point.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

"Come back and visit wherever you want," Pepper exclaimed as she pulled me into a tight hug. "You'll always be welcome at the tower," she reminded me when she pulled back, still holding me at arms length, a smile on her face.

Today was the last day of our little vacation to Midgard. While the tower had become like a second home and the Avengers a second family during our month here, I was missing Asgard. It felt like when I had first come to Asgard from Alfheim. It felt like there was a piece of me missing.

Now, that piece was Asgard. Now with a family that cared for me, there was no need to miss Alfheim. There was nothing left for me there. I knew when I returned to Asgard with Loki and Thor I would feel little there was still a bit missing. That would be my second family. I was torn between the two places. I felt like I belonged in both realms. If only they could be brought together. That would have been perfect. But, Asgard needed it princes and princesses, and Midgard needed its Avengers. There would always be opportunities to visit.

"(Y/N), what is this?" Pepper gasped, and I looked down to find my hand in hers as she admired the ring on my finger. I giggled at her response.

"Loki wanted to do things right," I explained, having already told her Loki and I's marriage was arranged. All the girls knew actually. Pepper and Natasha had arranged for a girls night, and we had kicked all the boys from the penthouse floor so we could take over. They introduced me to romcoms, their favorite actors from Hollywood, and their favorite beauty products.

Eventually we had transitioned into the topics of boys. At that point, all eyes had turned to me, asking me how I had met Loki, how long we had married now, and every other important question they could think of. They had been surprised it had been arranged marriage because of the natural "chemistry" we shared. I had cracked up when I explained to them how much we used to hate each other. I even confided in them about Loki wanting to do everything right once we realized we did love each other.

I had never had a group of girlfriends before, and I most certainly didn't have a mother to confide in when it came to boys. Even though I was an adult, it was still nice to have some ladies by your side to complain about your husband to and just get some much needed girls' time.

"Wanda, Natahsa, come look!" Pepper exclaimed, pulling me toward the other ladies who were standing off to the side a little ways, engaging in their own conversation. A heavy blush settled on my face, and I couldn't meet their eyes as they squealed over the emerald encrusted gold band.

"When did he ask?" Wanda pressed.

"And why the hell didn't you tell us?" Natasha badgered.

"What are we squealing at over here, ladies?" Tony butted in, an expectant look on his face. "You're going to bust my ear drums," he complained. Pepper smacked him in the chest without any real force before taking my hand and showing the ring to Tony. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"Are you cheating on Loki, or am I missing something?" he asked, causing me to let out a bark of laughter.

"There's no cheating that I'm aware of," Loki said as he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side. There was a gentle smirk on his face.

"No cheating," I assured both men. "Loki's it for me," I added for emphasis. Tony just looked even more confused. "We had an arranged marriage," I explained. A looked I didn't recognize washed over Tony's face.

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