Chapter Twenty-Three

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Well, this took forever, but I hope you think it was worth the wait! Drop a comment and/or vote to tell me what you think! Enjoy!

"(Y/N), it's good to see you awake," Thor said with a smile, his normally loud voice significantly quieter. I was currently propped up against Loki's warm, bare chest. He was propped up against a pile of satin pillows, his arm around my back, supporting me.  I was wearing a white button-up, but even without looking I could tell there were strong bandages wrapping around my left shoulder and abdomen, holding my arm to my chest. I could feel cool, damp bandages on my right arm, but there was an underlying burning sensation. I hadn't gotten a full explanation of my injuries yet, but I was sure I would in due time. I honestly wasn't sure if I could even process it yet.

"How are you feeling, Thor?" I asked. "No serious injuries?" I asked. He shook his head, a forced smile on his face.

"No, (Y/N), I'm fine. And really, (Y/N), you need to worry about yourself right now; you took the brunt of the attack," Thor said. I sighed.

"I know, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about the rest of you," I grumbled. I felt Loki squeeze my uninjured shoulder gently.

"How's everyone else?" I asked, my words directing toward Tony and Steve who were standing near the doorway. Both men had their arms crossed over their chests, matching grim looks on their faces.

"Everyone's fine," Tony reported sharply, making me frown.

"Worst injury was a sprained ankle from Peter. Nothing he should recover from in a few hours," Steve said, a kinder tone of voice. His was warm and welcoming, but there was still a tense undertone present. "As Thor said, you took the brunt of it," he said. I nodded, relaxing more against Loki. His arm tightened around me slightly.

"So you said that bomb thing was dark elven," Tony said, cutting straight to the point, his dark gaze trained on me. "What do you know about it?"

"Tony," Steve hissed, glaring at the man. I just waved them off.

"All I know is they use a dark form of our magic, it's plant-based, just like the magic of the light elves," I explained. "I honestly couldn't tell you much about our magic," I admitted. "As princess of Alfhiem, I wasn't meant to learn magic. I've mostly been learning more magic from Loki than anywhere else," I said with a shrug. This information seemed to make both Steve and Tony tense, but I ignored it. "I'm sorry I can't provide much information." Steve opened his mouth to speak but was cut off as someone rushed into the room.

To my surprise, I saw that it was Frigga. "Alright, all three of you out of here," she commanded as she ushered all three men to the door. "Don't look at me like that, Thor. Both your brother and (Y/N) need to rest," she explained. The three men left without a word more. "How are you feeling, (Y/N)?" the all mother asked as she pressed the back of her hand to my forehead. "Any nausea, double vision, or anything else of the sort?" she asked as she carefully took my face in her hands, gently turning my head from side to side.

"I'm alright," I told her truthfully. "I just have a mild headache and my shoulder and arm hurt." She nodded, a sad smile in her face.

"Okay," she said, looking thoughtful. "As much as you can, don't strain yourself, I need to move foreword so I can take a look at your shoulder." She glances from me to Loki to me again. "The shirt is going have to come off, sweetheart," she said quietly but still loud enough for Loki to hear. "Your whole chest is still covered," she whispered into my ear. My face went bright red, but I nodded.

"I can leave if you want me to, darling," Loki said from behind me, pressing a light kiss to my temple.

"Stay please," I said, grabbing his hand tightly in mine.

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