Chapter Fifty-Two

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OMG, I'm back!!!

Thank you all for being oh-so patient with me as I just finished my sophomore year of college (yay, halfway there!) and transitioned back into working over the summer.

This chapter is what I would call a "set up" chapter as it is readying for the main action. The next chapter will be the climax of our story, and I can't wait to get working on it.

I will be traveling to Scotland for a couple of weeks next month, so please be patient with me as I won't have access to the internet for that time. Ideally, I would like to work on this fic offline during the plane ride to and from, but we'll see if my ADHD allows for that lol.

But please, enjoy this long-awaited chapter and please tell me what you think! Enjoy!

Loki's POV

My right foot tapped restlessly on the floor while I bit the nails on my right hand, my left being clutched tightly in my mother's own hand. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest with anticipation.

"Breathe, darling," my mother whispered as she stroked the back of my hand with a thumb, our hands clasped and resting on the arm of her throne. "They'll be back any moment now," she reminded me, her voice soft. I knew she was right, but it didn't make the wait any easier. Hugin and Munin had entered the throne room only a few minutes prior with the news that Thor was back on Asgard, the Avengers in tow. "You've been doing so well, sweetheart," she soothed, continuing in her comforting movement as she gently rubbed the back of my hand. I looked over at her and gave her an incredulous look, an eyebrow raised.

"I don't think I've been keeping my cool very well, mother," I pointed out with a humorless smile.
"I would need an extra hand to count all of the times I've been short with you and Thor this week alone," I reminded her, greatly ashamed of my actions toward my own family; they were only trying to help. "I'm sorry, mother. I'm sorry I shouted," I said ruefully. I felt my eyes burn but I forced back the tears. I was done crying, no matter how many times my mother told me it was okay to cry, healthy even. But it wasn't helping. It only served to make me more worked up and that much more miserable.

"No more apologies," she admonished gently. "And perhaps not, in regards to keeping your cool," she admitted, "but I think that's understandable, warranted even." She paused for a moment, looking down at our hands that were still intertwined. She took her other hand and sandwiched mine between her gentle ones. "But you're not wallowing in self-pity and you haven't become hopeless. You're pressing forward despite the situation." She paused for a brief moment. There was a slight smirk on her lips, and she didn't quite meet my eyes. "And you haven't throttled our visitors, and Norns know how close I've been to doing it myself"

"Believe me, it's taking all that's within me not to do something heinous," I admitted, the corner of my mouth twitching half in irritation and half in amusement. My mother was a gentle woman, never laying a hand on Thor or me as children, instead choosing to combat our poor behavior with gentle but firm words and valuable lessons. "Though I would pay quite a bit of money to see you throttle the royalty of Alfheim," I muttered, suppressing a snicker at the mental image. She smiled back at me, though her smile didn't reach her eyes.

I jumped when there was a knock on the throne room door, and a split second later, it was swinging inward. I shot up out of my seat as Thor entered the room, the Avengers following behind him. A quick scan of the group told me they had already been briefed on the severity of the situation if their grim looks were anything to go by anyway. The entire team was also already suited up, all looking ready to leave at a moment's notice. It was a small detail that I greatly appreciated. We truly couldn't waste much more time. She had already been gone from my side for too long.

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