Wamuu X Reader

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Anime: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Battle Tendency

I have the feeling that Wamuu would be the kinda guy to respect his lover, just as much as he was dedicated to being a warrior.

Sorry for not updating, school is keeping everyone busy this days, especially 19 pages of biology homework ;w;

You lived just next to the woods, so you always closed all your doors and windows for night, because many animals lived there, some not as friendly as the others. However there was something you liked.

You always liked taking care of your garden. It made you happy and calm at the same time. That was also helping with getting bad things out of your minds. Especially the bad things that stuck in your head after a whole day of disrespect. Like it was your fault how you looked. You were normal, they were the stupid and ugly ones.

Today you arrived home a bit later than usual , but still wanted to water your plants. So after putting away the coat and your bag you took the watering can and started to do your daily work.

Suddenly you heard a few twigs snap, like someone stepped on them. You looked in the direction of the sound and walked towards it. You knew it would be better to just go home and lock everything up, but as people say, curiosity killed the cat.

-H-hello? Is so-someone there? – your voice cracked.

Usually you would not be that scared, but the sound was loud. So either it was an bigger animal or someone was observing you.

When you went to take a step back you felt a wall behind you. Wait a minute, a wall? There should be no wall. Slowly turning your head towards the 'wall' your eyes met with barely clothed chest. Looking up you saw a face of the stranger.

He had a strangely shaped tattoo on his face and a lip piercing. He also had a nice caramel colored skin. Some of the other people would have started to blush after seeing him, you on the other hand...

You threw the watering can with all might you had in your hand at his face, screaming and sprinting tp the back door of your little house. Curse living alone, you didn't have anyone to help you protect yourself.

You closed the door and locked it, hoping that the man wouldn't get in. you took a few steps back, and before you could do anything else the door feel of their hinges. There stood the tall stranger.

Trying to take another step back you stumbled and fell on your butt. Curse you being clumsy in situations like that.

-Stop running woman. I have questions I want to ask. – he said sternly.

You only nodded and gave him the follow me motion. What were you doing, you didn't know. But you were sure scared like hell, because he did kick you door out of the hinges.

You motioned on the couch for him to seat. Then you went to kitchen and grab a glass of water for yourself.

-D-do y-you w-want som-something to drink? – you asked loud enough for the stranger to hear.

-No, thank you.

What the hell were you doing?! There is a stranger in your house who kicked the doors out, so you invite him in and ask if he wants something to drink. You were truly a totally different person.

Wamuu on the other hand was trying his best to not let his blush show.

You were truly a beautiful woman and when you stepped into his chest your small frame felt just right on his skin. He liked the fact you were a bit chubbier. Big and small in the height was a perfect combination for the wind pillar man. And he was thinking how a blush would look on you. It would probably suit you greatly.

Chubby Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now