Yuri Plisetsky x Reader PART II

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Anime: Yuri on Ice

Please ignore the fact that I stopped writing with big letters every time. I have to go back to every single sentence to correct that, and honstly I'm to lazy to that.

also sorry for the long absence, but the school is killing me and most of my amotions are al around the place, so it takes me a moment to do something. I'm getting better, but i'm not sure how often will i post, so I'm not promising anything.

sorry it's so short, I didn't have a big idea for this one.

Yuri never was so infatuated with a girl before. you were like no other he has met in his entire life. You weren't that annoying and you understood the excitement that skating was giving him.

however Yurio wasn't bold enough to write to you. Stressing that he will make an idiot out of himself by making some kind of typo.

so here he was, waiting for your appearance on the ice rink. Even Yakov was surprised that he came so much ahead of time. It was worth it though.

there you were standing at the entrance with a happy smile on your face. After the little competition last time, you were more than happy to come back to skate some more. what you didn't expect was a certain blonde guy to act like a happy puppy just when you walk through the door.

when you saw him, he was already making his way towards you.

-you made me wait long enough for you here. - he commented with a slight pout.

not lying, he did look kind of cute.

-well have you called me or sent a message? no, so don't whine. i didn't give you my number without a reason...- you said with a small smile and slightly pink cheeks.

-oh...- was his only answer.

you started to get a little uncomfortable with the silence and took off to put on your skates. when you walked out Yuri was already looking at you with shining eyes and a small smirk.

-wanna skate together today? - he asked, placing his face closer to your own.

-well, sure, why the hell not. - the smile still not leaving your face.

he grabbed your chubby and small hand into his bigger and thinner ones. a perfect fit. you started with a few simple moves such as spinning trick or the trust trick. it went pretty well surprisingly.

Yakov and Mila looked at the two of you with small smiles on their faces. Mila because she would have another reason to tease the poor teenager and Yakov because maybe that girl was the perfect solution for Yurios agape.

after some skating the two of you decided for a short break to drink something and chat some more. what you weren't realizing however was the fact that the boy was slowly moving himself closer to you.

when you looked back at him he was very close to your face. your cheeks started to burn very much, which meant even bigger blush than you had from the cold temperature.

Yuri was ready to risk it and placed a small peck on your left cheek and smiled as softly as he could.

you looked into his eyes surprised and then smiled excitedly. you flung your hands around his neck and pecked his right cheek. the small interaction was followed with a small cacle from you.

-next time when you kiss me at least be it on a date. - you concluded cheekly.

your reaction made him burn even brighter red than you.

you didn't realize that Yuri was having a small crisis inside of his mind at that moment exactly. not only did his crush decide that they should go on a date. he loved feeling your weight leaning on him even if you were a little bigger on the side than the girl that usually threw themselves on him. he enjoyed your touch. and he may or may not seen a little bit of your cleavage.

-are you okay? - you asked, concerned for the blond boy's lack of response.

he only stuttered in response and when he realized he was speaking gibberish he nodded his head 'yes'. you giggled and patted his head with affection hugging him closer to your chest, without knowing that the male was having a small heart attack as well as a bloody nose.

Words: 647
Hope you liked it
Author-san ~ <3

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