Yato X Reader

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Anime: Noragami


That is the truth.

- Give it back!

- Nope!

- Yato, I swear to god!

- Well, I am a god so no offence taken.

There was a boy you liked. You would never tell him of course. However when a word got out about your feelings for him, he confronted you and poked at your chubby insecurities.

So you bought a special diet supplement because eating healthy didn't give you any results, and you have been eating different food for 3 months straight. You also tried your best in exercising in your free time, but still nothing happened.

The most annoying thing was that Yato purposely ate sweets and other unhealthy stuff in front of you, as if he was trying to test your patience.

You ate a small bowl of salad for your breakfast and tried to take your supplement. Key word: TRIED.

When Yato saw you trying to take the pills he didn't know he snatched them out of your hold and started to run away from you. And you didn't have any other option than run after his sassy ass.

And now you are here.

-Yato please give those back to me. I need them. – you said.

Sadly you were shorter than him and he just had his hand outstretched above your heads. He smirked at how close you were to his body and shook the pills in his hands.

-What even is this? Another headache? – he laughed.

-No... - you looked at your own feet.

- What's with the long face? – he stared at you.

You didn't know, but the poor god had a sweet spot for your persona, and it was quite saddening to know that you were trying to change yourself because someone caused you, so much pain. It really did anger him, but he can't just kill a human being. Sadly.

He really loved you, but you didn't know. And he was okay with that. He respected you, you were perfect for him in so many, many ways. At some point he will snap and hurt anyone who hurt you, because you were the most important person to him. Your bright smile, lovely humming when you did the house chores or the smell of your delicious cooking with a smile ghosting your face.

Simply angelic, and if someone didn't agree with him, they just didn't have taste.

He hugged you tightly and lowered the pills to be in your reach.

-Why are you doing this to yourself [Y/n]? – he started slowly. – Why do you care about what that guy said to you so much? You are worth so much more. He had no right to disrespect you or tell any other mean shit. You are the most precious person on the whole world to me and please remember that, ok?

You looked at him with small tears in your eyes and nodded your head slowly. Then you reached for the pills. He gave them to you, but you could easily tell that he wasn't really happy about them. You simply stared at the small box and then proceed to throw it in bathroom cabinet where many other pills were.

Yato looked at you surprised only to smile a moment later understanding that you had no bad thoughts about yourself.


-Yes [Y/n]-chan?

-Bring the sweets, it's time to relax! – you commanded.

He only smiled like an idiot and quickly run to get all the sweets he had stocked away. You created a small fort with blankets and pillows, bringing your laptop moments later.

You smiled under your nose knowing that you could always count on your real friends. However soon a small blush formed on your cheeks as you thought about what Yato said about you. Such a nice feeling it was.

You grinned stupidly, already knowing what that meant. You had a crush on the god himself. The irony. You started humming :

If you're alone and you need a friend
Someone to make you forget your problems
Just come along baby
Take my hand
I'll be your lover tonight

Whoa oh oh oh

This is what I wanna do
Let's have some fun
What I want is me and you

You giggled under your nose, but soon stopped when you heard some chuckle from behind your back. Before you stood Yato with hands fool of every single kind of food you like.

You giggled again and took a few things from his hands to help him carry them all. You had a small crush on that boy from the very beginning, but this decided to let it grow, because you that this god would never treat you the way the other guy did.

When you got comfortable you started to play some random movie on your laptop.

Soon you felt Yato place his head on your shoulder contently, while chewing on his favorite jellies.

You smiled and looked at him from the corner of your eyes. This was a really good day so far.

Words: 831

Hope you liked this chapter!

Author-chan ~ <3

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