Ayato Sakamaki x Reader

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Anime: Diabolik Lovers

Sorry if any of you likes Yui but she ain't my favorite character.

You were making takoyaki for yours truly not really caring about what's happening around you. What you didn't expect were hands wrapping themselves around your waist while putting the takoyaki on a plate. You turned your head slightly and saw the purple hair of Kanato.

There were two ways how this will go: either he was hungry because Yui didn't gave him enough blood or he wanted you to bake him one of delicious cakes or other baked goods.

-[Y/n]-chan... make me some cookies... with chocolate...

You only nodded your head slowly knowing that Kanato preferred silence when it came to you and Yui. However most of the Sakamaki siblings preferred you over Yui for some unknown reason. Or it was just because you were always able to calm Ayato and his younger siblings.

That was one of the reasons why Reiji told the others to not drink your blood as often. And you were pretty happy about that.

Back to the kitchen. Kanato only tightened his hold on your waist burring his head between your shoulder blades. It was rare to see him so calm and without Teddy in his hands do you didn't try to stop him from snuggling into your back.

What you didn't know was that a certain redhead wasn't very pleased with what he saw. You were his after all and nobody else had the right to take time he could spend with you. Shortly speaking – Ayato was jealous. And he really didn't like that feeling. So he came into the kitchen staring at his brother.

Kanato, when he felt someones eyes on him started to look around and when he saw his brother he send him a cocky smirk and tightened his hold on you once again.

He liked you really much but he knew very well that you love Ayato and he didn't mind as long as he was able to test his brothers patience thanks to yours lack of knowledge of their silent competition.

But you didn't mind being hugged by any of the brothers. Even Laito because he usually used you as a pillow to sleep at, nothing perverted and that made you happy.

Slowly mixing the ingredients for Kanato cookies you felt another presence enter the room. You had some kind of sixth sense so it was normal for you. You looked at the door frame only to find your boyfriend staring at you and his brother.

You smiled sweetly towards him and pointed at the plate full of takoyaki:

-Eat up! I made them only for you To-kun!- what you didn't see was the smile and little blush he send you because you needed to complete making the cookies.

-Thanks babe.- he answered.

After mixing everything you needed you formed little dough balls and put them on the tray putting it in the oven minutes later.

You turned around thanks to Kanato letting you go few minutes earlier. You smile at the two brother, smirking in your head.

You knew about their fighting for your attention. You loved Ayato dearly and it was funny for you to see them trying to gain your interest for more than only few minutes.

You knew you weren't as pretty as Yui. You didn't have slim body and small figure. You were more on the chubby side and that's what you loved about yourself. However you didn't think that anyone else loved that about you too.

Not wanting to think about it anymore you reached for one of the takoyaki. Ayato had different plans. He took the plate just when you were about to take one. You pouted when he smirked in your direction taking one of the takoyaki in between his fingers presenting it in your direction.

You blushed slightly but still ate the treat he hold for you. You could sworn you heard a small scoff from the direction where Kanato was sitting.

-Don't tell me you're going to cry Kanato!- taunted Ayato.

-I'M NOT GOING TO CRY!!!- the purple haired boy yelled back but you could see how glossy his eyes became.

Not thinking much about it you hugged the smaller male and glared at Ayato for being so mean to his brother.

For Ayato that was the last straw. He took Kanato out of your arms kicking his ass out trough the door, Teddy flying shortly after his owner. He closed the door and you heard loud whining behind the wooden surface.

Ayato let out an exhausted sight and hugged you. You wrapped your hands around his torso and started to laugh quietly, while hearing rapid footsteps on the stairs going up.

-What are you laughing at love? Did I do something funny?- Ayato asked.

-You're in do much trouble right now!- you smiled at him sweetly with a laughing glint in your eyes.

-What do you mean?

-You will see.- you answered.

In that moment the oven signaled that the cookies were ready. You let go of Ayato and take them out to cool down. In the same moment you put the last cookie on the cooling down tray Reiji's voice could be heard in the whole mansion:

-AYATO SAKAMAKI!!! This time you're in big trouble. What have you done to Kanato!? He's been crying 10 minutes straight in my lab and I'm trying to do something here!

Ayato looked at you and his skin looked even paler than usually.

-Oh shit...- was all he said before the hell broke down.

Words: 913

I hope you enjoyed!

~Author-chan <3

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