Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader

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Anime: Haikyuu

I didn't have any extra chapters and this is what I wrote after whole day of school. Imma write some more... Later bitches <3

You strolled around town trying to relax. Oikawa was being a pain in the ass for the whole day and even Hajime wasn't able to help.

You knew him since kindergarten. Both of you were each others childhood sweethearts and you were one of not so many people that knew his emotional soft side. He was your best friend, but after you realized you were in love with him you decided that you will make him happy no matter what. Even if it meant your heart getting broken.

It was obvious about your feelings for him, but he somehow still didn't knew about that. How? You will never know.

Oikawa knew about your crush and always teased you about it. That's the reason he was being so annoying today. He didn't want to leave you alone. So Hajime to the rescue even if he didn't know the reason he needed to bead Oikawa up.

You decided that walking around aimlessly didn't do anything good for you especially that day, cause it was cold outside. Dark clouds started to cover the sky and small pattern of water drops adored the streets. You quickened your pace, trying to avoid all the puddles that started to create as water started poring even harder.

Soon your speed walking turned into running, your chub shaking with every hard step on the concrete. You were already worn out after all the walking and you were sure that tomorrow you will have problems with normal walking, if not standing up from your own bed.

A string of curse words left your lips as you tried to open the door with cold and shaking hands. It was horrible as the key was being a bitch and didn't dip in the lock as it should. When you finally managed to open the lock you grunted in resignation, as you saw yourself leaving small puddles of water in places your stood before. Great, more cleaning.

-Fan - fucking – tastic! – you tried to stay positive, you really did.

After changing in something more comfortable, and of course dry, you sat on your bed, thinking about finally confessing your feelings. They were only making it harder for you and you were sure, that when you tell him and he wouldn't like you back, that it would feel much better.

You weren't gave much time to think as someone started banging at your door. You groaned at the tough of walking down the staircase, but stood up anyways. Whoever it was, you didn't want them to wait. After all it wasn't their fault.

You opened your door only to see a blushing Iwaizumi with Oikawa hiding behind him with face of pure terror. You raised your brow, in your mind thanking witch ever god for letting you see your crush with such flushed cheeks.

-Can I help you somehow, boys? – you asked interested in what they had to say to you.

-Can we come in? – answered Hajime with a question on his own.

-Sure, I guess. Just close the door and I will look for some towels for the both of you. – you responded and opened the door a bit wider.

After leaving them in the living room you took two of your biggest towels and took them with yourself to the boys. Handing them the fluffy pieces of material to dry of you looked at them expectedly.

-So, what's up? – you looked from one male to another.

Oikawa for sure was trying to avoid your gaze to his best and Hajime flushed red even more.

-Now I'm concerned about you two. What happened? – you pressed on.

-Well... - started Iwaizumi. – I recived some interesting information from Oikawa as I tried to understand why he was being a pain to you... - in that moment you knew something was really bad. – He told me that... You are in love with me?...

It sounded more like a question from him. Not having the courage to look him in the eye slowly nodding your head, already thinking of the worst ways to kill Tooru for his long tongue. Before you cloud do anything however you felt two hands getting the hold of your own.

You looked up only to see Hajime even redder than before, if it possible. In the background stood a shocked Oikawa as he saw your crush pull you in his hold and kiss you softly.

And you for sure were able to tell that this was the best moment of your whole life. Your crush here with you, in your house. You didn't even worry about Oikawa anymore. Like he didn't exist in that very moment.

As your and Hajime parted your breath was irregular. He just stole your first kiss. You only blushed deeply, a huge grin adoring your round face. It was a beautiful sight for Iwaizumi and when he was just getting ready to kiss you again you both heard a sound of picture being taken along with a flask coming from camera.

Both of your turned your faces to look with irritated signs around you at slowly growing smaller and smaller, out of fear, Oikawa. Yes, he did help you in some way, but he just destroyed the whole mood.

With anger shimmering in your eyes, you threw the setter out, while the rain started to get heavier.

-[Y/n], I'm sorry for not noticing your feeling for me sooner. – said Iwaizumi. – But I think I know how to repair that... Will you be my girlfriend [Y/n]? – hope glimmered in his eyes.

-Of course Hajime! – you jumped into his arms kissing him around his whole face.

As you snuggled in the chest of your boyfriend the only other sound that could be heard was the desperate banging coming from Oikawa on the other side of the door.

Words: 969

Hope ya all enjoyed! I will add another chapter today a bit later.

Author-chan ~ <3

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