Yandere Garou x Reader

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Anime: One Punch Man

So yeah, school sucks but I decided to write two shots to make it up to you guys :3 And sorry if this one sucks, I never wrote a yandere x reader before. And I guess that reader is a bit insane as well. Oh well, that happened.

I love ya all <3

WARNING: This is a Yandere story, if your not comfortable with things like that then do not read.

You hated it. When you finally were getting in a romantic relationship with someone you actually liked they disappeared, just to hear in the news that police found their body in some abandoned places.

It all started when you helped a certain white haired guy. He was pretty beat up so you decided to patch him up. He said his name was Gorou, so you said your name as well.

You didn't want to be rude after all. He stayed at your place for some time and left afterwards promising that he will always be grateful for your love.

The thing is you never said him that you loved him. Was he delusional? Maybe, who knows after all this scars you have seen on him while helping him had to mean something.

The disturbing part was that whenever you went outside you house, you felt a pair of eyes following you, watching your every move. It was really starting to terrify you. You weren't a special person, why those eyes of someone else didn't choose to stare all day long at some thinner girl than you.

You didn't know that all of those was the aftermath of helping the white haired man.

It was quite shocking to see him laying on your doorstep, covered in blood and waiting, probably for you to come back. Was he hurt again? Oh well, you helped him once, you can do it for the second time. It's not like all the bad things were happening because of him.

You put one of his hands over your shoulders and thank god for your chubbiness, because if you didn't have some extra weight you sure as hell would fall down with this man.

You opened the door and put him on the sofa, taking in the calming smell of your house. You went into the bathroom and got the needed things to treat his wounds.

However when you turned around he wasn't there. He wasn't on the sofa where you placed him, and you were sure that he was knocked out when you brought him inside. Quickly leaving the medic stuff on the counter you moved to the kitchen to grab something you could protect yourself with.

Before you could enter the room you felt a big bang of pain in the back of your head and the last thing your heard was a maniacal laugh coming from the male you let in your house and somehow life.

You stirred awake to the sound of water droplets hitting the stone floor. You were chained to the wall, sitting on some old mattress. They you shuddered from the cold.

That's when you saw that on your chubby body weren't the clothes your wore at the day you came home to find that man again.

The only thing you had on yourself was some kind of a skimpy dress, which make you really uncomfortable. You didn't like showing your skin, or at list in the level of skin showing like this.

There were thousands of things going through your head, but the most of them was just a simple question: why?

Because of such loud toughs you didn't see the white haired man coming even closer to you.

-You are awake my love, that's good, rally good.

To say you were startled by his voice would be to easy. Your emotions started to rise up, the most one was dread. The happiness of a child mixed with insanity in his eyes created a dangerous glint that stared at your cold body.

-You are so perfect my love! Oh we are going to have such a nice babies!

When you heard those words the bile instantly rose in your stomach. He was sick, really sick. That was the only thing you knew about him for sure. Tears started to spill from your eyes, not caring if he will do something to you.

You had enough. First the cruelty from people in your workplace, then all people you have been dating dying and finally being kidnapped by a guy you just tried to help. Why was it you? Why?

-No, no please, please don't cry my love. I will do anything to make you happy! I killed all those people you were dating because they were bad! – he cupped your face in his hands and you looked at him dejected. – They were dating someone behind your back, always disrespecting you! I couldn't left them afterwards! No one is going to disrespect you my angel! You are my savior, a real life angel, they have no right to disrespect you! No one is going to say 'SHE SO UGLY' I will KILL THEM ALL FOR YOU MY LOVE, ALL OF THEM MY PURE ANGEL!!! I WILL KILL THE HERORES IN YOUR NAME MY DEAR AND WE WILL RULE THE WORLD THOGETHER!

You looked at him in shock. Why does he care? Whatever, why did he kill those people, you were used to being treated that way. Yes, it was horrible, but it didn't mean they had to die.

There was just one question replaying in your head over and over again, so you decided to ask it. He did just say he will kill anyone for your, so you assumed that hurting you was out of the bounds.

-Why? Why me? Just why? – you asked quietly, tears still streaming down your face as your looked into his crazy golden ones.

-Because I love you my angel! Always and forever. You will never leave my side and I will never leave yours! I promise, my angel!

-So you would kill for me? – you asked, a dry chuckle leaving your lips.

-Anyone and everyone my angel! – he smiled happily, knowing that you know he is telling the truth.

-And if I, well gave you a list of people I want dead? – you asked curious, your tears disappearing almost fully.

-Consider it done my love, my angel. Everything for you~ - he smiled creeply.

-Very well then. Can I got a pen and a piece of paper? I know their names and some addresses... - you said softly.

-Of course my angel! I will fetch those for you! – he smiled happily and walked out.

If you were supposed to stay with this man you will make at least a good use of it and maybe join him on a few of his hunts. Maybe his feeling were true towards you? He wouldn't kill all those people if he didn't mean that. Right? Right?....

Because only crazy people are worth something, and like he said he never is going to leave you.

Words: 1107

I hope you liked it! I love you guys <3

Author-chan ~ <3

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