Tomioka Giyuu x Reader

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Anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Lately I have been treated like shit by a person I deemed to be my friend, so I wasn't feeling the best. 5 years of my life into the motherfucking gutter people. What I'm trying to say - if you need someone to talk to, I'm here <3

Giyuu didn't talk with you very often, but when he did both of you would spend the day in better humor than usual. Your work however made it quite hard to find time for each other since you worked in the Butterfly Estate and if it wasn't a patient taking up your time, it was Shinobu who just liked to mess with your poor fiance.

Of course none of the hashira knew that the two of you were engaged. Shinobu just thought that Giyuu liked to spend so much time with you, because no one else really liked him for the matter.

You weren't really fit enough to be a slayer, so you decided that the work of a doctor in the estate will be good enough to help in some kind of way. The water pillar preferred it that way, because he knew you were safe.

Today was one of the very rare days when you and your lover had a day off, so you decided to spend it together in your favorite tea shops in the nearby town. What poor Giyuu didn't know was that Shinobu said all the pillars about his 'friendship' he had with you. And that they decided to spy on the both of you.

When you first noticed that you were being followed to the town Giyuu was telling you about his last mission. Of course you listened with great interest keeping an eye at the figures that though they weren't visible.

To spice things up a little you took a hold of your fiance's hand and leaned your head on his shoulder.

-How about we sit next to a window? It's such a nice day out today. - you said when the both of you arrived at your destination.

-Oh, very well. Wait here for me here... - when he went to speak and make the order.

When he came back to you, both of you moved to your table picking up the conversation again. From time to time Giyuu would smile at you and caress your knuckles with his thumb. It would have been a perfect moment if you didn't see Rengokus' face falling onto the road.

You just shake your head and continue with the calm conversation you were having with your fiance.

After a nice evening Giyuu decided that he's going to walk you back to the Butterfly Estate since he didn't have anything better to do. While walking he would place small kisses on your knuckles and swing your joined hand.

That was what you really needed after the stressful week as the doctor of so many demon slayers. Small dirt road showed you both the way to the building you were living in.

You stopped before the front door and smiled at each other. Suddenly there was a rustle from the nearby bushes and this time your fiance heard it too. Before he could react you pulled him into a kiss. unexpected, but very much welcomed by the poor Water pillar who didn't have much say in this situation.

You continued to kiss his lips a few more times and all around his face to distract him totally from the bushes. It worked perfectly and he soon forgot about the small issue.

Before Giyuu left he placed a sweet kiss on your forehead and peck on the lips, promising to see you tomorrow in time for your lunch break.

After you were sure he wasn't anywhere near you came closer you heard hushed arguing:
""-Your srupid snake bit me in the arse you small handed moron!
-Don't you 'Hn' me!""

Slowly gathering the branches away from your line of sight and to not be spotted you saw all the pillars looking at Obanai and Tengen arguing/

-Ekhem. - that got their attention.

You came into the view of the pillars and all of them jumped in surprise.

-If you're not gonna stop I will get mad. - you gave them the Shinobu smile. - Who's idea was this?

Without hesitation all of them pointed at Tengen and backed away from the said male. He started rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile hoping that you will let him off the bat.

You only shook your head and started to tug on his ear for his stupidity. While most of the pillars laughed in the background at the pained sound the tall male was making.

After you were finished with tormenting the white haired male you adjusted your kimono and looked at the rest of the pillars.

-Why were you spying on us? Can't we enjoy at least one evening without interruption? - you asked, done with their antics.

-Well it was a bit surprising to hear that Tomioka-san has a friend so we decided to follow... - said Mitsuri with a small blush on her face.

-Yeah, but we didn't expect to find out that Tomioka-san was courting you! - said Rengoku with a huge smile on his face.

You only shook your head and laughed softly.

-He's not courting me, we are engaged.

Moment of silence. Sudden gasps and screams from Tengen, Mitsuri, Shinobu and Sanemi filled the evening air, along with Rengokus happy laughter.

-God bless this engagement... - cried quietly Gyomei in the back.

Muichiro only sent him an uninterested stare and started walking in the direction of his estate. 

Words: 910

Hope you liked it

Author-san ~ <3

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