Muzan Kibutsuji x Reader

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Anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba / Demon Slayer

If Muzan is OOC I'm sorry. I tried my best, plus I didn't really have to much examples. In the anime or manga there was no thing that spoke about Muzan and love. TwT

A bit angsty I would say. Tried my best though. And he's immune to the sun here.

You hated it. You really did. People were always judging you. At the beginning it was just about your weight, but now it was also because of your dreams.

You were a fairly normal person, at least you thought so. The man with red plum eyes. A handsome guy that owned the name Muzan Kibutsuji. He insisted for you to call him Muzan.

The first time he manifested in your dreams you danced the whole night without exchanging a word. You just hoped back then that he will appear again, because he gave you the needed feeling of unconditional love. Something so simple, you never really asked, it was like he already knew who you were. And you were fine with that as long as he was there for you. So almost every night he continued to appear in your dreams.

At the beginning you didn't tell anyone about your dream visitor, until you didn't start to gain some kind of feelings for the dreamy male.

The only option you had was to go to the school counselor. Truly a bad decision.

I mean, the nice lady tried to help you understand what could be a real meaning of that certain person in your life, but when you told her you never met him and yet you love him she wasn't sure what to do.

The bad thing was that some of your classmates heard that when they were waiting for their own meeting with the counselor. The rumors spread in school like a wildfire and everyone fully turned away from you.

Even your best friend started to ignore you, as rumors started to get even worse and worse. You tried you best to ignore it and not give them the satisfaction of you crying. That doesn't mean you didn't cry at home, when your head hit the pillow.

That was almost your new routine: wake up, eat, go to school and take all the bullying, come home, cry and sleep. You got used to it quite quickly.

Not that you really minded. It only meant spending more time with Muzan. Just like now.

Today was one of the worst day of them all. You failed a test in your favorite class, someone threw a pack of pills that help to lose weight in your head and now their yelling and mockery.

-Where are you going fat ass? To your DREAM master I guess, huh?! – he and his goons laughed.

-Ugly! Disgusting!

-Crazy! Get her a jacket for the crazy ones!

-Disappointment! Go back where you belong!

You don't remember when was the last time when you ran back home. This day really wasn't in your favor. Throwing your bag on the desk you throw yourself on the bed immediately. The fresh cowers relaxed you to some extent. You were asleep really quickly.

The next moment you opened your eyes you were sitting at the traditional Japanese table, small cup of hot teas steaming and making its way to your to your nostrils. It smelled really nicely. Personal blend probably.

You had a traditional kimono on yourself. It was all black with red flowers on the bottom of the dress – the spider lilies.

-How was your day today? – he asked with a calm expression, his plum red eyes staring in the depths of your soul.

-It was fine...-you knew he knew the truth. He always did. And yet you tried to lie anyway hoping to avoid the touchy subject.

-Don't lie to me. What happened today? – he asked, more like demanded and answer.

Chubby Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now