Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

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Anime: Haikyuu

A chapter is here! I may be ill, but that doesn't mean shit! I will try to think of many possible chapters for ya<3

He was truly a guardian angel. He was always there somehow, to shoo your bullies away and help you up in sad moments. Nishinoya Yuu, a real hero in your eyes.

You were there on every single match Karasuno played, sometimes even ditching class to see the team play. When you found out he wasn't able to play for the whole month, because of the vice principals mean ass, you were angry.

However, what could you do? You were just a chubby girl that didn't know how to fight back sometimes. Not that it surprised you. You never actually were the aggressive type.

Today was the day when he was coming back. And there was a small change in the club waiting for him. What could it be? Well you decided to join as a medical assistant for the team so you would watch the matches from close distance plus you were able to train your medical skills.

You singed quietly making your way to the gym. You were so giddy. You knew that Nishinoya was that one of small group of people that get the most injured trough the practice. That's not good, but it will be a possibility to spend more time with him, and you really liked that scenario.

You walked inside the gym and the power duo of the quick spike greeted you. Nest to Hinata and the third years stood Nishinoya. A small blush covered your face as he saw you staring. He only smiled and walked away slowly out of the club. You walked near Daichi to get the information or a reason why he was leaving from the training. That's when you got to know that he won't come back if Asahi wasn't here. The ace of Karasuno.

You walked with Shoyo towards his senpai to convince him to train with them without joining the matches they will hold. When the tangerine called Noya senpai he was already yours. That made you really happy, but it quickly vanished as a feeling of being observed overwhelmed your senses. You opened your eyes only to see Noya staring at you.

-And who may you be? – he asked, a bit less loudly than before.

-I'm [Y/n]. it's really nice to meet you Nishinoya-senpai. – you smiled as cutely as you could, at least in Yuu tough so.

He almost could see the stars that shined around him when you called him senpai. That wasn't something normal for him so it made him really happy. You only giggled softly at his reaction and for Yuu it was one of the most beautiful sounds in his life. In his eyes you were now even prettier than the one and only Kiyoko, and that's saying something.

Through the months you and Yuu started to get really close and you simply loved it. After all he was your crush, there was no denying that. You only hoped he returned the feeling.

The next day Shoyo and Yuu started their training about receiving. You were in the middle of wrapping Tsukishima middle and ring finger with special tape. When you were done he thanked you quietly and made his way towards Yamaguchi. You smiled under your nose. He was a salty asshole, but he understood that the topic of your weight is really bad, so he stopped teasing you and tried to be as nice as possible. That was a pleasant change seeing that he was mean to everyone else.

That was the moment when you heard a groan of pain at the court. You turned your attention towards that direction only to see Noya holding his hand with a grim expression on his face.

You quickly walked towards him and get a hold of his shoulders. You helped him of the court and started to look for a cream for bruises and some bandages as well.

You grabbed his hands in your and slowly applied the medicine, praying in your mind only not to hurt him even more. Then you wrapped it up in bandage and, without thinking, you placed a small kiss on it, just like a mother would do to it's child.

When you realized what you have done you turned extremely red. You looked up only to see as red, even if not more red Yuu. You chuckled nervously and let his hands go. You were really panicking. Why would you even do something so stupid?

All the emotions you felt died down when you felt another hand getting a hold of your own. You looked up straight into his eyes only to see him already staring at you. A warm smile blossomed on his face along with the rest of the red hue from before.

-Thank you for your help, [Y/n]-chan! You're the best! – he exclaimed happily.

Before you could even answer to what he said, you felt a warm pair of lips on your own. Your crush was kissing you. Nishinoya Yuu was kissing you. You closed your eyes wanting to keep this moments for as long as possible.

The team however had different plans.

Soon from the court, next to where you were sitting, you heard happy laughs and wolf whistling at you two. Your face burned in one of the deepest red possible, a small grin adoring your chubby face. Nishinoya had the same expression as you, minus the huge blush.

Kiyoko only giggled on the sidelines, happy that she will now only need to deal with the love of Tanaka, which wasn't that overwhelming.

Words: 921

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Peace out!

Author-chan ~ <3

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