Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader

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Anime: Haikyuu

Some nasty language :3     [E/n] - enemy name

Would you read a scenarious book if I made one? Your opinion is important. Cause it's never to bad to write Student x Teacher thingy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You were walking in the direction of the volleyball court to visit your boyfriend Wakatoshi. You promised him that you will come to say hello and look at him playing. Today was the day when the rest of his team was supposed to met you.

Your peaceful walk however was cut really short when the girls that were mean to you stepped in your way.

They were always mean because of your chubbiness. Even if you tried to ignore them they always came back to make fun of you or sometimes even push you around. No one else found it funny but no one else tried to help you either.

You looked at them uninterested in their bullshit. You never get to know what was so funny in bullying you. They never gave you a proper reason and it was starting to really irritate you. So not really caring what they would do you spoke:

-What the hell you want this time [E/n]?

The said girl only smirked at you and whisper something to her pawns. One of the other girls slowly made her way behind you and pulled your hair when you less expected it because you and [E/n] had a glare fight. You were sure that if looks could kill she and her mocking friends would be long ago dead in the school hallway.

They didn't hurt you that much because soon someones steps could be heard. They didn't want to be seen by any teacher so they ran away from you.

You however didn't do anything to pick up yourself from the cold ground. There was a reason to get up, your boyfriend was waiting, but you were so dizzy after that girl yanked your hair that you didn't even try.

Soon a guy in training closes entered your eyesight and you saw a really tall redhead with slightly bored look on his face.

-Hmmm~... and what could happen to you cutie?- he looked at you with a raised brow.

-Just some bullies... I think I know you from somewhere... did we met before?- you asked.

-Maybe it's because I'm in the volleyball team. Tendou Satori- he stated.

-Oh great. That means You were walking in the direction of the volleyball club practice, right?

-Yes but it would be nice to know your name before you tag along.- he said.

-Ah yes, sorry where are my manners. My name is [L/n] [Y/n].- you smiled sweetly at him.

After that quick exchange you resumed your walk to the earlier destination. In the meantime you and Tendou spoke about each other and you get to know he liked same anime and manga as you did.

Thanks to the nice talk you had with him you were in the gym in no time. Before you could open your mouth again you heard an angry yelling coach.

-Where were you Tendou?! Stretch quickly and in the training you go!- he would yell more but that's when he saw you next to the tall boy. – And who you may be?

-Well I'm [L/n] [Y/n] and I came here for my boyfriends practice.- after you said that the whole attention was on you. People were staring at you and from the corner of your eye you saw Wakatoshi putting a finger on his lips signaling you not to tell his name aloud.

The old man looked at you skeptically but didn't question you any further. Soon he started to yell again but this time for everyone to get back to their training.

What you didn't know is that most members of the club were questioning themselves "who's that cutie?" or "who's her boyfriend she spoke about?".

Few moments later they parted into two teams and started to play a match. You were happy because Wakatoshi was in one team with Tendou and that mean they had really good spiker and blocker. The forces were equal and you really enjoyed looking at them playing. So not really thinking about it to long you asked the coach:

-Do you need a manager?

He looked at you with a surprised stare but regained his composure quickly.

-Maybe. That depends on few things. Are you interested?- he asked.

-Yes sir.- you answered shortly.

Whole third set you spoke with the coach about becoming the boys manager and what would your tasks include. Lastly it was Wakatoshi who won with his team. The coach stood up from his usual sit gaining the attention of the players.

-Listen closely because I won't repeat myself: this girl, [L/n] [Y/n] is your manager from now on. You better respect her. About the training: it wasn't that bad but you could do better. And Goshiki don't steal the ball when it's flying to someone else than you. Do you understand?

You heard a faint 'yes" from one of the boys who had a sad look on his face.

Soon after the little monologue from the coach the boys swarmed around you asking many questions and introducing themselves.

-Hello I'm Semi Eita and this is Soekawa Jin. It's really nice to meet you.- he said softly.

-It's nice to meet you too, Eita-kun.- you answered and smiled sweetly what made a few boys from the team to blush.

-So you said you came here for your boyfriend. Who is it? Is it Tendou-san?

-No, it's not Tendou...- you giggle softly after you see the look on your boyfriends face. He was terrified to think what could that be if you dated Satori and not him.

So because of that unpleasant thoughs he quickly made his way towards you.

You only smiled shyly on the amount of attention you were given from the team when you felt two hands creeping their way around your chubby waist. You knew to well who was that. You didn't have to much time to think however when you felt you boyfriends lips on your own. He kissed you quickly but lovingly.

The talks around you quieted to none and everyone was staring at you two until.

-EEEHHHHHH??!!!!- the whole team, excluding Tendou who had only a surprised look on his face, yelled.

You only placed your smaller hand on Wakatoshis bigger ones and winked in the direction of his teammates. The First years started to freak out even more and everyone else started laughing at Goshiki who yelled:


Words: 1069

Next on the list Ayato Sakamaki! I hope you enjoyed! - Author-chan <3

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