Shikamaru Nara X Reader

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Anime: Naruto / Naruto Shippuden

We stan Shika, yes we do <3 Honesly I'm as lazy as he is.
Songfic - my first try :D 

It was hard for you. People judge because of looks. But then you met a guy thanks to a certain thing.

Cloud gazing. Such a simple activity. And yet it was your and Shikamarus favorite thing to do in the lazy afternoons.

He was one of the first people to accept you the way you were, not expecting you to change.

Today was one of those afternoons.

You put the blanket on the ground, laying on it moments later. The clouds lazily rolled on the sky, creating the strangest shapes.

Soon you were able to hear someone walking in your direction and you immediately knew who it was.

-Hi Shika... Come lay down with me... - you opened one eye and smiled lazily at him.

He only answered with a short hum and laid next to you also cloud gazing.

A life of a ninja wasn't easy, both of you knew that quite well so small moments like this were a good way of resting.

You started to hum slowly under your nose, to relax yourself even better. This was one of the reasons why the lazy Nara had such strong feelings towards you.

Love could be rally confusing sometimes.

You continued to hum as the lyrics followed shortly after.

I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

You started to pluck some of the flowers that surrounded you and started to make a flower crown for your male companion. He hummed along of your soft singing.

I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

At this point Nara started to sing along few words here and there. The flower crown you were creating almost finished in your hands.

Putting few last flowers in you turned to Shikamaru and looked at him. He was already staring back.

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying how do you do
They're really saying
I love you

Singing the last words of the line you smiled at the slightly blushing male and put the flower crown on his head. His eyes traveled around your face, taking in how happy your eyes looked and those soft looking lips stretched in a beautiful smile.

A beautiful sight for his tired eyes.

You snickered when he started to sway softly as the song was making him a bit sleepy.

Well you sure weren't expecting what was going to happen after you finish the lyrics to the small song the both of you loved to share.

I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Ooh, yes

When the last words left you lips you felt something warm on them. It was Shikamaru. And he was kissing you.

For a first second you didn't know what was happening, but after you did you kissed back with as much love as possible.

Placing your hands on his shoulders you tried to get closer and you succeed. You were now sitting in his lap, slowly kissing the boy you have loved for so long. He put his hands on your waist, gently squeezing you thighs from time to time.

When you parted a small grin stretched on you face and Shikamaru answered with his own small smile. A small blush covered his and your face after your little activity.

Both of you laid back down on the blanket, the fresh memory of your very first kiss with Shikamaru repeating in your head.

You felt a hand gently holding your own and looking down you saw Shikas hand. You looked him in the eyes and smiled softly, fondness seeping out of your whole body.

Shikamaru only snickered softly and dragged you closer to him. His hands found their way to your waist, softly holding the small of your back with is larger palms.

-You are such a troublesome... woman you know that? – he asked yawning in the middle of his sentence.

You laughed lightly at his antics and kissed his cheek softly and repeating that small action.

He opened his one eye and smiled back at you. You were his little cloud, real home. Ninja matters lost all its meaning when he was spending his time with you.

-Well yeah, but I'm your troublesome woman aren't I? – you giggled.

He only lazily smiled again and started to trail small kisses on the side of your neck. You really were something else in his eyes.

Such simple little things can bring so much happiness. The smallest of the things.

Words: 816

Hope you liked it :3

Author-san ~ <3

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