Yuri Plisetsky I x Reader

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Anime: Yuri!!! on Ice

I love this russian idiot, not gonna lie.

Ice skating wasn't easy. especially for someone like you, with a little bit more weight than most ladies on the ice rink. That wasn't really a problem that didn't let you skate, no. what you didn't like were the stares of most people that came to the ice rink.

It was a public rink, but professional skaters in training had one side of the rink for themself and no one minded. The problem was that a few of those professionals always laughed at you and your physical form.

It's not like you choose to choose that way either. their comments were unneeded and honestly quite annoying. But as a cultural person you decided to not comment on their behaviour. You never were one to start a fight without a good reason.

The trainers of those skaters however were really nice or at least didn't mind giving you a few pieces of advice to make your own skating even better than it was at the given moments. You were happy with that help because you were getting a little bit better everyday.

Today one of the coaches you knew fairly well, Yakov, came in with a skater you didn't know before. Sadly there were also a few boys that looked to be around your age and you hesitated to come over.

You knew that Yakov advice was one of the very few precise ones, so it was important for you to talk with him. After all, thanks to his advice and your hard work you were able to learn how to do a proper axel and you were able to do triple axels now, which is quite the thing.

Axels are the hardest jump in ice skating after all. Because of that you usually did a few jumps and then just sat a few minutes on the benches, since your legs got easily tired.

You took a deep breath in and out, making your way towards the Russian coach. Slowly patting on the back of his shoulder you muttered a soft 'excuse me'. he turned to you almost immediately and nodded at you in a way of greeting.

-Hello Yakov! Would you mind giving me a few pieces of advice after you do the training routine with your skater? - you asked softly.

You knew he preferred when you told him at the start of conversation what you wanted from him, he just was like that around you... and probably everyone else.

He nodded again, agreeing to your small request. Then he stared at something behind you but before you could ask what was the matter Yakov spoke first.

-How about this. You see, a few of my students were saying bad things and I want them to pay in their own way while skating. I will ask all of them to do a triple axel. the only person who is able to do it is Yuri, - he pointed at the guy you didn't meet before. - not only will they stop laughing at you but it would be a good way of showing them how much they still have to learn. What do you think?

You thought about it. they have been there almost everyday and always loudly snickering, making rude comments or simply sticking out their fingers on you. It was the best time to show them the way to the exit if they aren't taking it seriously. and maybe, just maybe you were feeling a little sassy today.

You looked Yakov in the eyes and smiled sweetly, nodding your head along the way. You are not going to play nice this time.

-Start calling them out. - you said and sat on a bench not too far away from the entrance of the rink.

Yakov smirked in response and called first of the boys. They talked a little bit and the guy number one looked like someone just kicked him. The elder man only nodded his head towards the ice and the guy number one started to skate in the middle of the rink to try and attempt to make a triple axel.

Soon however he landed on the floor with his but, not gaining enough momentum to create a proper jump. after him was guy number too, who made the same mistake but instead of his but he landed on his face. Well, karma is a bitch.

Then Yakov called out to the Yuri guy to do the jump. he quickly entered the rink, gained enough momentum, jumped and landed perfectly, keeping his head held up very high, as to show that he is superior compared to the rest of them.

it made you giggle a little, as well as snicker. He did look in your direction but his smirk never left his face. Or maybe it grew a little bit when he looked at you? No, it had to be your eyes playing tricks on you.

Few sad attempts at triple axels later Yakov looked in your way and nodded his head. you smirked and walked towards the rink.

All of the contestants looked surprised to see you walk on the ice but they kept quiet. they were way too tired to even joke about you or your weight.

You looked in their direction and sent a cynical smile their way. And let me tell you, they looked offended. Oh well.

taking up a good speed for the jump you moved your hands in the correct pattern, your skates hitting each other soon after. you jumped up perfectly and did the needed spins. One, two, three... four? Wait four?

Soon you landed, wobbling a little but still keeping yourself up. breath in and out.

You turned to Yakov with excitement visible on your face and what you saw made you laugh. The old man stood there, both hands on his head not believing what he just witnessed.

Still snickering, you made your way off of the ice and sat on the nearby bench.

Sure you wanted them to see you being epic and be sassy about it but you were just too excited. Too excited to see a group of teenagers getting scolded by Yakov for how bad they are at making jumps, exactly the same group with the look of envy on their faces and a pair of beautiful green eyes looking at you with curiosity and a bit of admiration.

Soon after you took off your skates and sat on the bench just watching the training skaters.

When you were putting on your second shoe, a pair of simple trainers appeared in your vision. Looking up you saw the certain guy that was able to ace the jump he was asked to do.

He sat next to you and started speaking before you could even open your own mouth.

-I'm Yuri. You look like a piggy but I guess you are pretty... I mean pretty good at making jumps, so let's get to know each other.

His body language was supposed to make him look uninterested, but his eyes told you that it was something more than just your jumps being pretty good.

-[Y/n]. Better remember it because I don't like to repeat myself... pussycat. - you smiled at him.

For a moment he looked at you with surprise but soon his face was taken over with quite the good looking smirk, which looked dangerously fitting for his character.

However before he could respond you just handed him a card with your phone number and your name. Then you just stood up and walked out.

Good. Yuri wouldn't want for you to see the creeping red color that appeared on his face after you gave him the number.

Words: 1294

Two chapters today since I owe you all ;3

Author-chan ~ <3

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