Light Yagami x Reader

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Anime: Death Note

[Y/n] - your name

[F/n] - friends name

Sorry if Light is OOC but I didn't have any idea how to do this for it to look natural :c

Heart aching and fuzzy mind was all you could find at that very moment. You may be thinking "What caused this?".

It was a normal morning to you: wake up, eat breakfast, text your boyfriend, do your bathroom routine and go to school. Today, however, you decided to take a movie and your best friends clothes she left after last sleepover in your house to give it back to her before school. You knew she was coming to school for later hour than you so it wouldn't be a problem.

So without hesitation you started waking to your best friend house.

After a short walk you were standing at her door but no one was answering to your knocking. Not caring that much you took out your key to her house she gave you a few months back. When you walked in you put the bag with the clothes and movie on kitchen counter and you were ready to leave. A really familiar jacket of your boyfriend stopped you. It was on the living room floor. Not thinking any longer you quickly made your way towards your best friends bedroom. Outside door groans and moans could be heard.
You opened the door with loud 'BANG!!!'. What you saw made you quiver in disgust and betrayal. Your boyfriend, Ayato, was on top your best friend, doing "it". The girl quickly pulled away from your now ex-lover.

-[Y-Y/n] it's not how it looks like!- she tried to find a way out of the mess that had place.

-Oh it's exactly how it looks like.- your, now, ex-boyfriend said. Tears already stained your sad, chubby face. –We were having a good time till you came. I don't even get why you though that I was attracted to you. You were my ticket to [F/n].Your fat and no one will ever love you. Just look at you!- he started laughing straight in your face.

Not caring what they had to tell you, you ran out of her house. That's how we got here. You standing before your school building with tears still escaping your eyes. Few people gave you worried glances but no one approached you. Well, almost no one.

-Is everything alright?- you turned around to meet with face of one of your classmates, Light Yagami.

-Yeah, I'm fine.- you said not wanting to worry him or any one anymore in general.

-Are you sure about that? 'Cause your face is stained. Did you cry?- he asked, slight concern in his voice.

You didn't know but you were one of not so many people Light would kill for. And him being Kira made it way easier to succeed. He really liked you, especially your chubbiness. He didn't understand why anyone would treat or think badly of you. In his eyes you were an angel.

-Just...My boyfriend cheated on me, that's all. Nothing special I guess...- you looked at the cold ground, not noticing how Light fists clenched.

-Oh, really? And why did he do that?- he didn't understand how someone could harm you, such an angel.

-Well, he was in relationship with me just to get to my, now, ex-friend. Stupid Ayato, what did I even saw in him?!- you said, your sadness changing in pure anger. –And [F/n]! how she could do that to me! I mean, we were friends for so long... - you said not realizing how many information you just gave him.

Light already knew witch students you meant: [F/n] was always around you so getting her last name was easier from the very beginning, 'cause she flirted with him a few times. And from the very first day he knew Ayatos last name caused from jealousy he felt when you laughed at his stupid jokes.

-How about we skip school today? We can go to the new cat restaurant in city center. How's that?- he said with hopeful eyes. He will deal whit that two morons later, now you were his priority.

-You would do that for me? But why?- you were curious what was his reason. You spoke to him maybe two or three times.

-For you to feel better. And I were thinking from beginning of this morning how much I need a break from school. Plus you wouldn't meet Ayato or [F/n] the whole day?- he said trying to find any good reason. And it looked like it worked, especially his last statement.

-Sure, let's ditch it!- you tried being enthusiastic not really caring that the bell started ringin.

That's how your day went. After the visit in the restaurant you went to arcade and Light Won a big fox plushie for you. You really enjoyed your time with him, not really caring anymore about you shitty ex-boyfriend or unloyal friend.

Light on the other hand took really quick notes of the most grotesque ways to kill two people who betrayed you trust. 'Cause no one have the right to hurt his angel.

Words: 828

Hope you enjoyed - Author-chan UwU

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