Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Reader

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Anime: Haikyuu

School is basicly one of the most disgusting things on earth :). Either way enjoy!

You were running. Why you may ask? Well, Karasuno was starting their match and you were almost late for it. Ryuu, your lovely boyfriend, asked you to come and cheer him on while he will play.

That's why you were running like your life depended on it. Soon you were in the building, looking for a place to sit down. You were just right in time. The teams were just getting ready to step on the court. Waiting in anticipation to see your boyfriend play, you started to bite your lips out of nervousness.

The whistle was heard and every player got in their rightful position. You screamed at the top of your lungs 'Good luck!'. Few of the players, Ryuu as well, turned in your direction. They had either a shocked face, a smile on their face or, like Tanaka, were waving in your direction. You waved your chubby arms around in happy response, with small blush adoring your face.

When the first set was nearing it's end , you walked with Hitoka to help around with the towels and water, as well as talk to Ryuu. The 1st year manager didn't mind and took your hand gladly when sometimes you were passing taller players. After all, you were the mental help for the team, if they felt the need to talk to someone, if they were just sad or before a match and between it's sets.

When the team saw you they only smiled and few of them waved. Tanaka and Nishinoya jumped you with a hug. You only giggled and returned their gesture.

You helped around with a slightly annoying Ryuu attached to you hip, trying to be as useful as possible. Tanaka smiled at your hard work and kissed your chubby cheeks repeatedly showing his love to you. You kissed him on the forehead in exchange before you were whisked away by Hitoka back on the bleachers.

As you expected Karasuno won 2-0 sets with the other team. Coach Ukai decided that everyone deserved a good food after such match and together with Takeda took you to one of the nearest restaurants, on theirs treat. And boy, were they going to regret that.

Boys were starving after the match and ate really much food. While doing so they joked, and you and the two managers helped the poor waiter that couldn't catch on with the boys orders. When it came to paying the coach and poor teacher started to cry silently over the money that were taken from the budget.

Tanaka decided that he will walk you home and you didn't mind. You could spend more time with you boyfriend and that was the most important thing to you in that moment.

-I was so happy that you made it on time. – confessed Ryuu.

-Well, I was almost late, but as long as you're enjoying yourself I don't mind running from time to time. – you answered placing a loving peck on his cheek. - You make me feel so special and I only want to return your favor. I know I'm not the prettiest girl you have ever seen, but I sure do love you. The way you smile when the ball hits the other side of the court or the strange cheers you do with Noya. It makes me feel so... accepted. And that is something to say.

At this point you didn't know you were ranting on random things till you heard a small sniff a bit behind you. Tanaka was standing in the middle of the road trying to stop tears that escaped his eyes. He knew he didn't need to put on a strong man façade before you and it melted your heart to see him like this.

-Ryuu? Darling, is everything all right? – you asked softly taking a few steps in his direction.

-I love you so much! – he suddenly exclaimed and trapped you in a tight hug.

You wrapped your hands around him trying to calm him down. His tears did stop after a few minutes, but you could still hear the little hiccups he let out.

-Ryuunosuke? – you asked again.

-What you said just a few moments ago... - he started looking straight in your eyes. – I feel the same way about you. It's not like the type of love when your insides twist and turn not knowing how to react. It's the type of feeling that makes me calm down in short amount of time. – he kissed your knuckles. – That smile of yours, the voice when you hum under your nose or the cheers you give me and our team on the matches. I love it all. I love you, with all I got.

You grinned at him from ear to ear and stuffed your head in the crook of his neck. Soon enough his hands circled around your waist and twirled you around. You let out a small squeak at his actions, but laughed afterwards.

When he let you back on the ground you felt a warm kiss on your forehead and you looked up seeing a huge smile on your boyfriends face. You smiled back at him knowing that you will have an exciting future with the men before you.

Words: 874

I know it's a bit short, but school is taking up more of my time than I would like :(. I hope you enjoyed!

Author-chan ~ <3

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