Sasuke Uchiha x Reader

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Anime: Naruto

I won't update so often because of school, but I will try my best in doing so <3 Also, I'm not a big fan of Sakura, do if you like her  then I'm sorry for what are you about to read.

Oh, and this one is happening in modern times.

Sasuke was always a bit different. He didn't like spending time with girls even when he grew up and all tenagers could think about dating.

He preferred to keep his distance from most of the people. There were only a few who he let get closer to himself, even after a long time of knowing each other. And that small group consisted of you, Naruto and somehow the screaming banshee, Sakura. Sure she was nice till she got to know that someone liked HER Sasuke.

So when she asked you if you liked someone you said that you weren't interested in dating. Which of course was a big lie. You have liked Sasuke for a long time now.

He was the first one to be nice to you when you arrived in their class in middle school. And it was a big shock to you since all the kids kept their distance just because of your weight. Sure you were a little bit on the bigger side but that didn't mean they should treat you like that.

And since he knew the feeling of loneliness, chosen or not, he decided to be the first to approach you. Since then you saw him as a good friend, some kind of protector even.

So when you learned that Sakura and Sasuke started dating you were sad. No. You were furious. With yourself, with sakura, at some Point even Sasuke for no reason apparently.

It was Just So hard to watch for you. The boy you liked for so long found someone else he was interested in. That's what you think. And so did Sasuke fangirls.

You didn't like the jealous feeling that arose in your throat every time you saw them. But for the sake of your friendship and for his happiness you decided to not voice it.

Those were the few things that always clouded your mind when you arrived at school, the pair always standing by the lockers waiting for you and naruto. What you started to see however was that every next day sakura was in a rush. And you didn't mind. That meant more time for you and Sasuke to spend together. You weren't complaining.

The same thing happened today.

You just arrived at the school grounds and walked inside the building. You Just watched as Sakura kissed Sasuke cheek and ran in a direction you couldn't pinpoint. You turned to your crush and smiled sweetly.

-Hey Sasuke. How was you morning? I hope you ate you breakfast! - were the first words that fell out of your mouth.

-I did. You don't have to worry so much for me. What about you? Did you have breakfast? - he asked, looking straight in your eye.

You nodded your head and smiled slightly.

-How about taking a walk around the school? I don't remember when was the last time when we had the time for that. And we can drop in the library on our way as well - you liked to talk. especially when you knew the other person was listening.

-Hn. Any reason why you need to go to the library? - he asked, knowing that he had to wait till you finished speaking. You didn't like to be interrupted.

-Mr.Hatake gave us another writing assignment. and he asked for it to be at least five hundred words. So I'm getting ready to write and I need inspiration my dear friend. - you smiled at him cheekly.

He 'hn'ed again and started walking forward with a small smirk on his face. he liked listening to you. Your voice was so much nicer than Sakuras.

Making your way to the library was quite nice, small conversation here and there to keep some sound around the empty halls of the school.

your words came to an abdurt stop when you heard something like a moan not too far away from yourself and Sasuke. you looked at each other and slowly started making your way towards the sound.

You were known as the pair that always ruined situations like those, because you could laugh your ass off afterwards, which amused your crush slash friend, so you didn't even hesitate.

What you didn't expect behind that wall, just next to the library door, stood Sakura pinned to the wall by the new male helper of the librarian. It looked quite intense as well.

You got a hold of Sasuke's hand in hope to stop him from doing something harsh. In response he tightened his hold on your hand and screamed.

-WHAT THE HELL SAKURA?! THE FUCK ARE YOU DING WITH HIM?! - he yelled with all the might he had in his lungs.

He was fuming in anger. and you were silently cheering in your head. Maybe you had a chance after she screwed up after all.

- S-sasuke... - she said in surprise, pushing the other guy from herself.

-WHAT SASUKE! This is what you have been doing all this morning when you left me standing alone in the corridor?! Are you fucking serious righ now?! - he screamed again, his voice never faltering.

- I-I just, I... - she didn't know what to say.

You weren't surprised at all. you never saw sasuke that angry. He was always that type of guy to keep for himself, which meant that this actually hurt him.

In response to it you could only hold his hand even harder to which he replied with the same action.

-I knew I should have never given you a chance! I should have confessed to [Y/n] so long ago! But you said all that shit that she wouldn't like me! - you looked at him, not expecting to become a part of the reasoning. - So I gave you a chance just for you to stab my back like that? You are horrible. - he was glaring daggers at her at this point. And you standing there, awestruck knowing that little chance you had just grew rapidly.

-So what?! You prefer that pig over me?! - she yelled in frustration, motioning to you with her head.

That was the line no one had the right to cross. no one was going to call you a pig for no reason whatsoever.

So before Sasuke could say a single word, fueled with his anger, you sent a strong slap across her face. Your eyes were cold, but your voice was even colder when you spoke.

-Don not call me a PIG when you are the one fitting the description. - if looks could kill, she would be bleeding out. - Thank you for giving me your boyfriend. I will make sure you don't have the chance to speak to him for a long time.

After saying those words you tugged Sasuke away, going back to the class where you were supposed to have your first lesson for the day. When you saw the familiar door you started to slow down slightly.

-So, I'm yours now apparently - came a teasing voice from behind you.

You turned around to see a very smug looking Sasuke. Your face erupted in red color and you hid it in your hands. in response to that reaction you only got a 'Hn' and a kiss on the forehead for response.

Well that was quite the interesting way to start a day.

Words: 1235

So school is hard on my ass, but I hope you enjoyed :3

Author-san <3

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