Bokuto Koutaro x Reader

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Anime: Haikyuu

I'm ill! YaY! fUcK! But i do hope you will like the chapter either way <3 Any kpop stans there?

A soft sound of television in the background lulled you to sleep. You were ill. It was a simple cold, but your head hurt so much that you decided to simply stay at home.

That made you a bit sad because you were supposed to cheer your boyfriend on while he would have club activities. Sadly you couldn't be there for Koutaro and it made your mood even worse. You hated being sick and a tough of a sad owl boy wasn't very appealing. He would always go into his emo mode if you weren't there for him.

However, you informed him this morning about your state and he answered that he understood and hopes for you to get better soon. His text made you even more sad, a fact that you aren't there with him hitting like a fist in the gut.

A harsh cough left your lips, sound of sniffing following behind. Another tissue found it's place on your floor as you looked around. You hated being sick, but having your living room dirty was even worse. I mean, you could have guests at any moments.

Slowly you stood up to clan your room and hummed a soft lullaby along the way. After that you walked to the kitchen to make some CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP to make your cold a little better. You put the all needed ingredients and set it on the low heat. You popped a piece of a carrot into your mouth, munching slowly. Being sick was a tragedy. You couldn't feel any taste of anything you ate and it was annoying the hell out of you.

You small and clod frown soon disappeared from your face when you heard loud banging from your door. Taking a blanket from the couch and wrapping it around yourself you made your way towards the door. You opened them slowly and a bouquet of flowers was brought before your face.

You looked at the hands of the person and found a bag full of sweets and medication. Behind the flowers stood your boyfriend with one of his biggest grins possible. You smiled back at him and let him inside, not really caring how you looked like. Koutaro already knew your body and seen you in worse conditions.

He always insisted for you to keep on the chubby side, because he loved you no matter what. And he really didn't like the irritation in your eyes when you saw the gym girl flirting with your loyal boyfriend.

You embraced your lovely owl in a tight hug and kissed his cheeks repeatedly. You were really happy thanks to being able to see one of the most important people in your life. You hummed in delight at the feeling of his warm body, a cute smile slipping on your face.

He kissed your straight in the lips, a soft huff of content living his nose thanks to the feeling he got from your affection.

-Hello love! – Bokuto grinned happily after parting away from you.

-Hello to you too. How was your practice? – you smiled, knowing that it would probably keep him going about volleyball for the next hour.

-It was awesome! I spiked so many balls that Akaashi served for me, but... - he stopped.

You looked at him. He was sad and you could even see his hair slumping down. You giggled softly and wrapped your hands around his waist. You knew this would happen at some point, bud didn't really comment on it.

-I was so lonely without you... - he said slowly , looking up at you with a cute pout.

-I know luv, but I'm ill and I didn't want to make anyone else ill. – you said slowly. – And no more kisses today.

He looked at you with an expression of a kicked puppy. You only shook your head and softly smiled.

-I don't want you to get ill too, – he looked down, so you quickly added. – but cuddles are all yours.

He perked up at that and grabbed you in his hands. You only giggled when he plopped the both of you on the couch, wrapping you in the blanket tighter. You melted into his embrace, the headache appearing again. A small grunt of irritation left your lips as you snuggled closer to your boyfriend.

Bokuto looked at your face from his place and smirked. Even with a cold, destroyed hairstyle and small bags under your eyes you were beautiful. You were the first girl that was genuinely interested in his person, not the fact that he was the volleyball team captain. You on the other hand didn't know at the begging that someone as attractive as Koutaro would be interested in you. Not that you complained.

You looked up into his eyes waiting for his move. Bokuto only smiled and gave your nose a small peck. You smiled fondly up at him and started to hum the lullaby once again. After owl-san get the hand of the melody he joined you in the happy humming.

It didn't last long however.

-[Y/n]? Is it me or something smells like it's burning? – he said slowly, trying to look at your face.

-Huh?! - was your only answer before your scrammed out of his bulky arms. – My chicken soup! NOOOOOOOOO!

The only thing that your neighbors could hear for the next hour was the loud laughing of your boyfriend and your cries in the memory of the poor soup.

Words: 911

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will update soon. the only problem is that I need more requests to keep the one shots writing. I'm hoping for your help!

Author-chan ~ <3

Chubby Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now