Shu Sakamaki x Reader

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Anime: Diabolik Lovers

I may, or may not wrote a whole ass book in the middle of the mutherfucking night, it finished and fully published. If you are interested, you can go and read it I guess. It's dedicated to our explodo boi Kacchan <3

So yeah. School sucks and takes way to much of my private time! Also I updated the Scenerio book! Feel invited to read it :D

Shu Sakamaki was a very interesting person. Especially if he had the audacity to just walk in the middle of your class and lay his head on your thighs. At the beginning girls from your class would send you hateful glares and snarky comments, but now it was just some kind of war against the teacher and Shu who barged in quite often during their lessons.

It wasn't normal for anyone but they decided to ignore it since it made the lazy boy go into at least half of the classes he was supposed to be in. Way more than usual for him.

Honestly you loved spending time with him but it was starting to annoy you. How were you supposed to pay attention in class when he successfully took up all of it?

It was easily forgiven when he smiled at you and looked into your eyes. If you ever had a soft spot, it was his smile.

So even now, both of you in your room were cuddling. He acted as if you were some kind of magical pillow that allowed him to sleep, so comfortably.

Your hand was aimlessly making patterns on his scalp with his quiet murmuring in satisfaction. You liked those soft moments between you two, when there was no one who would watch the interaction and judge the two of you.

Those patterns came to a stop when your friend/crush pulled his head up and looked you in the eyes. you smiled at him sweetly and waited for his next actions.

-Can I ask you a personal question? - such a simple request stirred your poor heart a little.

-Yeah, if you want to. I can't promise that I will answer it though. - A timid voice in your head said that this was the moment when your crush would actually confess to you.

-Why don't you have a boyfriend yet? You are one of the most adorable girls I know, not like I know many of them, and it doesn't just make sense. guys should be flocking around you and asking you out left and right. - his gaze was unnerving for your poor little mind.

you were almost perfectly sure that you had a small heart attack.

-Well you could that even if there were some boys that would like to go out with me, they would have no chance. I guess I'm just patiently waiting for the right guy. - you said honestly.

-The right one? - he cocked his head to the side. - What would he be like then?

-Well I wouldn't mind if he was a fan of cuddles, if he enjoyed good music and just overall wouldn't be afraid to show his affection to me when I would need it. Also he could be a bit handsome, I wouldn't mind that. - you giggled and he smiled in response.

You looked at him from your position and gulped. his intense eyes were observing your every move like a hawk.

-I guess my ideal type of guy would be a little like... - you took a deep breath to calm your nerves, because of your next words. - you, actually.

There was this moment. total silence in the room and just looking into each other's eyes. you smiled shyly at him, hoping that he would get the hint. how disappointed you became when he just nodded his head a bit and muttered and okay laying back down next to you.

A few minutes passed with you looking in full silence at the ceiling. What a disappointing reaction it was. You were hoping for something totally different, but turns out not everything can go well.

Suddenly Shu looked at you with big eyes, his mouth slightly agape.

-Wait, like me? - he asked, visibly way more awake than before.

-Uh...yes? - that sounded more like a question from you than anything else.

-Are you being serious right now or are you just joking? - he seemed very desperate to hear the answer to that one question.

-As serious as I could be. - you answered, playing with your fingers in the meantime. This was nerve wracking. A little bit too much even.

Suddenly his shocked face morphed in a big toothy smile. With a surprised expression you looked at Shu and he dived in your arms like a happy puppy. What is happening right now?

-You don't even know how happy I am right now [Y/n]! - came his muffled voice. - Because from now on you are going to be my girlfriend... - he looked up at you. - if you want to of course.

-Yes, YES! I would be very happy to be yours! - you smiled happily and kissed his cheeks.

-Oh dear, I think you missed it. - he said with a smirk.

Moments later his lips locked on yours in a long awaited kiss.

Words: 814

Hope you liked it

Author-san  ~ <3

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