Todoroki Shoto x Reader

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Anime: Boku no Hero Academia

YAY! Your favorite hot & cold boi is here!

Todoroki from the first moment he saw you was charmed by you. You motherly behavior, simple and gentle smile made him swoon for you. And he didn't really care about the fact that you were chubby. Sadly you didn't knew about his feeling and didn't saw the small gestures he made toward you to show his affection.

You never tough that someone attractive as Todoroki would fall for you and yet it happened. You did found Shoto attractive but the idea of dating never crossed your mind. After all you were always taking care of your younger siblings because of the fact your parents worked overseas or studying for school.

And that was one of the few things that made the teenage boy fall for you even harder. So Shoto asked your classmates for help.

The next day you came in to class you greeted the Bakusquad and went in the direction of your desk. There was a beautiful bouquet of roses in your favorite color. Nest to them was a small card with a beautiful handwriting:


Pretty flowers for the pretty lady <3



You were astonished. You turned towards Mina and Kaminari asking if they knew who left the flowers. The boy only shrugged his shoulders while Mina smiled dumbly at you giggling shortly after.

You decided to ignore Mina's behavior and sat in your desk still thinking who could left the flowers.

You never found yourself as attractive as most of your classmates who looked like from some kind of model magazine (excluding Mineta) and found it difficult that someone called you pretty.

There wasn't too much time to think about it however because Aizawa-Sensei entered the classroom and started his lecture with a tired voice.

At the lunch break everyone you asked to eat with you denied your invitation leaving you alone for Todoroki to finally take some action.

You were sitting silently in empty classroom, your bento before you. The roses were placed not too far from you and your gaze sometimes shifted to them with a silent sigh leaving your lips.

What you didn't see was a shy Shoto making his way towards you.

-Um...[Y/n]?- he asked.

On mention of your name your head mechanically turned in the direction Todoroki was coming from.

-Do you... do you like the flowers I left for you this morning?- he asked looking everywhere else but you.

The boy standing before you wasn't the Todoroki Shoto you could meet everyday. His calm demeanor changed around for 180 degree. The boy before was shying away from your eyes, really visible blush covering his cheeks.

-Yes, they are lovely...- you said after a minute of silence. – But I don't understand: why would you give them to me? I appreciate the compliment from the card you left but just why?

At that question Shoto's blush got even darker.

-I-Isn't it obvious? I...I really like you... no scratch that. I love you...- he said quickly not wanting to keep it to himself anymore.

Todoroki was scared of what you would say but taking the rest of his bravery he looked at your face.

The sun way perfectly hitting the skin on your face making you look even more heavenly for the boy. What shocked him the most however were the mall tears in your eyes and a huge, warm smile that formed on your round face.

-Shoto...I love you, too!

You jumped up from your sit and hugged him tightly not wanting the lovely moment to be over soon. Todoroki slipped his hands around you waist and smiled at you slightly, really happy that you felt the same way about him as he felt about you.

It didn't take too much time for you both to look in each others eyes. Your faces soon started to get closer just enough for your lips to meet in delicate kiss.

You only pulled away from yourselfs at the sound of flash going of followed with a few quick snaps. Your classmates were standing at the door smiling at everyone faces (discounting Mineta – he was sulking in the corner that the chubby goodness was now of his limits) taking pictures of the cute scene before them. Even Bakugo had a small smirk resting on his face while looking at you both.

When you saw them you buried your face in Shoto's shoulder and smiled faintly making a mental note to later ask the girls to send you the pictures that the made.

Words: 749

I hope you enjoyed <3

~Author-chan :3

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