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It's not even two hours later that I'm shaken awake by Luna

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It's not even two hours later that I'm shaken awake by Luna. "Mauve," her voice is soft as she continues to shake me. I groan, flipping my face to hit my pillow. "Mauve, you're going to be late to breakfast, and then you'll be even more tired without your daily green tea."

She has a point, but I feel so drowsy that I don't move.

"Just drop some cold water over her," I shoot up, throwing one of my pillows at Cho for her suggestion. Her hands drop from her tie, catching the pillow with her seeker quidditch skills. I roll my eyes, flipping her off with my middle finger as I slam my face back into the pillow.

Five minutes later, I'm being physically pulled out of bed by Irelia. I sigh and tread grudgingly to the washroom, taking a quick shower to wake me up. I dry my body with the royal blue towel, patting my skin dry before I lather lotion over my body. Buttoning my white collard shirt, I hum mindlessly to a tune. After my skirt is on, I fix my collar and pull on my knee-high socks, slipping my feet into the plain black uniform shoes.

I walk out of the circular tube, greeting the girls at the mirror when I do — I hadn't greeted them when I walked in because of how tired I was.

"Good morning!" I cheer as I slide in front of the lengthy mirror.

"Morning, Mauve!" Padma cheers as she brushes through her dark hair. "Long night?" She teases, referring to my tiredness upon entering.

I laugh, nodding. "Very."

I brush through my hair before securing it into a simple half up half down. I pick up my vine wood wand after spraying some perfume over the crew neck I previously put on. I bid the girls on the bathroom goodbye as I saunter out of the room, finding Luna and Cho waiting outside.

"Someone's in a better mood now," Cho snickers.

I roll my eyes, "haha, very funny."

We make our way over to the Great Hall, finding it already half-filled with students. Right as we walk in, I make eye-contact with Draco Malfoy. I subtly move my gaze beside him, smiling at the overly-excited Theo.

"Hi, Mauve!"

I give him a small wave back, "Morning, Theo!" Not wanting to be rude, I shift my eyes back to the blonde. "Morning, Malfoy."

He gives me a small tilt of his head in acknowledgement. As we move pass the Slytherin table and sit at the Ravenclaw one, Cho immediately begins to question me. "Did you just say hi to Draco Malfoy?" She furrows her brows.

I nod, thanking Luna as she hands me a cup of tea. "Yeah," I take a sip of the warm drink. "Why?"

"Why?" She huffs, rolling her eyes. "He's like— he's like our rival!" She exclaims, not bothering to whisper. I stifle a laugh when I see him perk up, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shake my head, "well, he's not my rival. He hasn't done anything to me, Cho." Don't get me wrong, I would definitely be upset if he were rude to someone I cared about. But so far, he hasn't. And I suppose I may be a bit biased, but that's besides the point.

"He's evil, Mauve. Evil." She gives me a pointed look as she begins eating her breakfast.

I sigh, choosing not to respond. I don't think he's evil at all. In fact, I think everyone has just been misjudging him. It's no secret that Lucius Malfoy isn't the most kind of fathers— I can't imagine what it was like for him growing up in that type of household.

Luna gives me an apologetic look. She's not as headstrong as Cho in the slightest, and prefers to stay out of things like that.

After breakfast, I walk with Luna to Potions. We slide into our shared desk, pulling out our books in preparation for the class. We share this class with the Hufflepuffs, which is very lucky for both of us. I can't imagine how badly the Slytherin and Gryffindor classes go. Luckily, there isn't as much tension between us as there is between them.

When we hand in our assignments, I toss a wink to Alyssa across the room. She stifles a laugh, earning a warning glare from both Snape and Kal, her very strict roommate.

When the class ends, she gives me a swift smack on the back of my head as we cross paths near the exit of the dungeons. I roll my eyes, shoving her as I grab Luna's hand and rush away before she can hit me back ten times as hard.


I laugh along with Luna as we walk up the stairs, making the route to the Defence Against Dark Arts classroom. As Luna and I take our seats, three widely-known Slytherins walk through the door. Theo walks over, basically skipping, and ruffles my hair. I roll my eyes as he laughs, walking straight to the back of the room with Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. I try not to make eye-contact with Malfoy, but it still happens. I duck my head when his empty gaze shifts over to me, pursing my lips as my heartbeat increases.

Luna raises an eyebrow at me, but if she notices my nervousness, she doesn't mention it.

Throughout the class, I find it hard to hide my laughter as I read the messages on the groupchat. I physically hold a hand over my laugh to muffle any noises as I reread Theo's text about Malfoy playing Subway Surfers. I turn my head to them, catching a glimpse of his screen as he places his phone down on the desk to tell off Theo.

I shake my head at the sight of the familiar design of the game that lights up his screen. He meets my gaze when he turns back to face the fronts, raising an eyebrow. I tilt my head, dragging my eyes from his exposed phone screen to him. He follows my gaze, his eyes widening in realization. He flips his phone screen to face downwards and I try not to smile at his attempt to act nonchalant.

I watch as Malfoy's cheeks turn pink as Blaise mentions the time Moody had turned him into a ferret. But when Theo adds on with, Does that make Draco a furry?, I can hardly contain my laughter.

"MR. NOTT!" Our professor calls out when a loud slam is heard in the back of the class. I turn around to see a red-faced Theo, an annoyed Malfoy, and an amused Blaise. I roll my eyes, watching as Theo fails to hide his laughter from his own joke. "Would you like to tell the class what seems to be so funny?"

Malfoy's eyes widen momentarily and he turns to glare at Theo, seemingly to tell him he should not tell the class what was so funny.

"I— N-no," Theo breathes out, trying to catch his breath. "I would— oh, trust me, I would— but I'd like to live for now."

I purse my lips at his response, biting down at my bottom lip to prevent myself from bursting into laughter as well.

Our professor is unimpressed. "Detention this friday," is all they say before returning to the lesson.

I turn back at the three boys, shaking my head as a smile stretches across my face.

I turn back at the three boys, shaking my head as a smile stretches across my face

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MAUVE, draco malfoy ✓Where stories live. Discover now