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Alyssa yawns, accidentally interrupting Theo's rant about a cliffhanger in the new muggle show he's watching

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Alyssa yawns, accidentally interrupting Theo's rant about a cliffhanger in the new muggle show he's watching. I turn to glance at the time, my eyebrows rising at the numbers in front of me.

"It's 4:30, maybe we should go to sleep." Blaise suggests, voicing my exact thoughts. Finley is in front of the camera, already snoring in his bed. I take a screenshot to use as blackmail.

Alyssa nods, having just yawned a second time. "First good idea you've had, Zabini."

Blaise rolls his eyes, muttering a small goodbye before he disconnects, followed by Alyssa. Theo sighs, stretching his arms. "And then there were three." A pillow is thrown at his head, and Blaise can be heard in the background.

"Shut the fuck up and leave so I can sleep."

I laugh, remembering that the two are roommates. "Goodnight, Theo." He groans.

"Goodnight," he pauses when he realizes he would be leaving Draco and I alone in the call— well, Draco and I and a passed out Finley. His lips tug to a smirk and his tone clearly changes, "oh, it'll be a good night for you guys for sur—"

"Just leave, Theo." Draco rolls his eyes.

This only encourages him. "Eager are we?" Draco opens his mouth to reply, but Theo's quicker. "Night!" He leaves the call without another word.

"And then there were two." I give Draco a small smile, shuffling in my bed. All of my roommates had fallen asleep hours before I even called them. I'm glad Cho didn't wake up, or I would definitely never hear the end of it.

He too, smiles. "Are you going to sleep?" He looks fairly tired himself, with his hair tousled around and the light of his screen reflecting onto his face. "I know you haven't slept yet."

I shrug, "I mean, I'll try." I don't know if I can actually fall asleep right now, but I would hopefully drift off eventually.

Draco frowns, "is your head being busy again?" Even in the dark, I can see the worry swirling in his eyes. I can't help but smile at his concern.

"No, not really." I shake my head slightly, repositioning myself to lay on my side. "I'm just not so tired yet."

"Do you want me to come there?" He doesn't hesitate in his response. The question takes me off-guard. "We can watch a movie or something. Theo won't shut up about this Twilight thing."

"No, it's okay." I pause, observing his features. He clearly hasn't slept yet. Theo had called at around 2 in the morning to rant to all of us— I wasn't asleep, but Alyssa was. I wouldn't be surprised if Draco was as well. "You look tired, you can go to sleep." I tell him softly.

He's quiet for a second, and then he hums. "Okay,"

"Okay?" I inquire, not expecting him to have accepted it that easily. My answer wouldn't have changed, but I did expect to fight him on the topic. He must be very tired then.

I hear rustling on his side, his camera now off. My brows furrow in confusion at the sudden noise from his side.

"Goodnight?" I say out-loud to catch his attention. The rustling stops and in a few moments, his camera is back on. This time, he's grinning.

"Goodnight, Mauve." His grin is wide, teasing almost. He has the mischievous glint in his eyes and I'm about to question it when he leaves the call almost immediately after.

I shake my head, letting out a small laugh. An odd one, he is. "Goodnight, Fin." I whisper before logging off myself. I continue mindlessly scrolling through my phone, waiting for my own body to feel tired enough to sleep. I'm about to give up and try to close my eyes when I feel my phone vibrating repeatedly in the palm of my hand, meaning someone is either spam texting me or someone's calling.

It's proven to be the later when I open my eyes to find Draco calling me. "Draco?" I speak in a hushed tone, not wanting to awaken an angry Cho.

"I'm in front of the tower, lemme in." I shoot up at his words, slowly peeling my blanket off me as I tiptoe out of my dorm. I cast a Muffliato before addressing the boy on the phone.

"What do you mean you're in front of the tower?" I huff, realizing he must have planned this as soon as I said he didn't have to come here. He's so stubborn, Merlin. "Did you not listen to a word I said earlier?" I walk into the empty common room, spotting the night sky through the ceiling high windows.

He chuckles, "well, I did. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to watch it. I mean, I want to watch this movie with you, and if it's boring, it'll be easier for you fall asleep." I pull the phone away from my ear, in fear that one more word out of his mouth and I'd succumb. I shake my head, a smile stretching across my lips as I walk across the common room to walk down the flight of stairs.

"Is the Draco Malfoy becoming soft?" I tease despite my pink cheeks. I can almost feel his eye roll through the phone.

"Shut up," he groans. "Just open the door, please." I almost trip at the fast pace I'm flying down the stairs.

I end the call right as I swing the door open, coming face-to-face with the platinum blonde beauty. He wears a smirk while holding up two DVDs and a laptop. I shake my head, rolling my eyes as I pull him into the room.

"You're so dumb." I laugh as we walk up the tower.

He raises an eyebrow, "you know, a thank you would suffice, Mauve. I walked all around the castle at almost five in the morning on a nice Saturday—"

"Thank you," I cut him off, knowing he would continue to pull on his dramatics until I would. "Seriously, you didn't have to come all the way here."

He makes his way to the couch, jumping onto the comfy material and patting the seat beside him. "Just shut up and watch this movie with me, will you?" He gives me a pointed look.

I walk over, letting out a small yelp when he pulls me by the waist. I land centimetres away from his lap and I turn around to give him a 'Really?' look. I receive a cheesy smile in response as he throws his arm around me. He pulls me in slightly, making my head lean on his shoulder. Both my heart and my head are screaming at not only the action, but the entire situation itself.

"Alright, now get comfy." He throws a blanket over us and turns the laptop on.

"Draco?" I don't look up at him, but I can see his eyes travel down to me through the reflection of the laptop screen.

"Yes, love?"

I snuggle deeper into his chest, feeling his arms tighten around me. I'm in too deep. "Thank you," I sigh in contentment, enjoying the warmth I'm engulfed in.

 "Thank you," I sigh in contentment, enjoying the warmth I'm engulfed in

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MAUVE, draco malfoy ✓Where stories live. Discover now