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Luna and I are walking around the corridors as we're chatting; she was planning on meeting up with Ginny and Hermione and had basically pulled me to come along

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Luna and I are walking around the corridors as we're chatting; she was planning on meeting up with Ginny and Hermione and had basically pulled me to come along. I suppose it's my fault really — I overslept again, and Luna thinks I'm not out enough to breath fresh air.

She thinks I have nargles in my head, whatever that means.

"I don't even think they like me, Luna." I huff exasperatedly. Draco is one of my closest friends and his relationship with both Hermione and Ginny are little to nothing.

Luna waves it off, "oh shush, you think too much. You have very little enemies here, you know."

"I'm literally friends with the guy that bullied her and her friends for years." I deadpan, pathetically tugging on her wrist as I see the outline of their appearance. They're sitting on the bench outside, laughing with wide smiles on their faces.

I chew on my lip nervously as Luna drags me over. "Hi, guys!" She cheers, earning the duo's attention. I can see the confusion when they notice my presence along with Luna's. "This is Mauve— you know Mauve, right?"

They nod, and I can see the hesitancy in Hermione's hand as she offers a shake. "Hi, nice to formally meet you."

"Hi!" I squeak out as I shake her hand. "Sorry for intruding, uh— Luna dragged me along."

"It's no worries," although, it almost seemed forced.

Ginny doesn't hide her curiosity and skepticism as well as Hermione did. "Aren't you friends with Malfoy?" She blurts out, earning a harsh nudge from her curly-haired friend beside her.

Well, I knew it was coming eventually. I nod, gulping as I scratch the back of my neck. "Actually, we only became friends recently. I know it's not much, but I am sorry for how he treated you and your friends." I tell Hermione genuinely.

She seems satisfied with my answer. "It's no problem— well it is, but I don't see why it should involve you."

I let out a breath of relief. I spend the rest of the day talking to Hermione and Ginny, and they seem like pretty cool people. Hermione offered to help me with any subjects I was struggling with, and Ginny made sure that I knew I could come to her if anyone was bothering me.

"Yo, Mauve!" I spin around to find Theo and Alyssa approaching us.

I wave at my friends, "hey! What's up?"

"We're heading to Hogsmeade right now," he juts his thumb behind him. "Wanna come? We searched like— the entire castle to find you."

I laugh, suddenly remembering that I had put my phone on silent earlier in the day. I have no doubts that they blew up my phone in their attempts to locate my whereabouts. "I've been here the whole time," I gesture to the small group behind me. Hermione gives an awkward wave.

MAUVE, draco malfoy ✓Where stories live. Discover now