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"SHE'S SO DEAD!" Alyssa is a ball of rage when she sees me walk into the Great Hall with Draco

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"SHE'S SO DEAD!" Alyssa is a ball of rage when she sees me walk into the Great Hall with Draco. Draco had told me on the way that he had told her what happened in potions, and obviously, she's not happy at all. "What kind of fucking nerve does that witch have?" She gently grabs my arm, looking at me with determined eyes. My hand is still firmly wrapped with bandages, and Madam Pomfrey had given me a few potions to take to dilute the pain.

Finely whistles, "that's fucked up."

"I didn't think she had the guts," Blaise adds, earning a glare from Draco.

"Did she get detention at least?" Theo quirks up a brow, drumming his fingers on the long wooden table. We're sat again at the Great Hall after I had missed out on dinner - Draco had brought me some food - and Madam Pomfrey had just allowed me to leave. Luckily, it wasn't hard at all to find the small group, since they were already huddled at a table when Draco and I walked in.

I pause, unsure. I had been more focused on the stinging feeling that began to spread that I didn't pay any attention to whatever Professor Snape might have said as it was happening. Before I can even show any indication of my lack of knowledge, Draco answers.

"She did, I went back with Blaise and spoke to Snape after bringing Mauve to Madam Pomfrey." He says while casually scribbling on a parchment. As if he can feel my stare, he looks up. "What?"

Confused, I ask, "you spoke to Snape?"

He nods slowly, "yeah. I said Blaise and I both saw her put in Exploding Fluid and that you shouldn't be held responsible for what happened. I was making my way over to you before it exploding." He explains, and I exchange a look with Alyssa.

"Thank you," I bite down a smile. The look is his eyes are soft, and he nods in acknowledgement. I break the eye contact when Theo coughs obnoxiously. "Thank you too, Blaise." I send an appreciative look to Blaise as well.

"Anyway," Theo leans forward, clasping his hands together with an evil grin stretching across his lips. "What's our plan?" He directs the look towards Alyssa, who shares a similar grin.

"Since she loves to talk so much shit, I think she wouldn't mind a small Babbling curse." Alyssa grins, shrugging her shoulders. "I mean— it would barely change a thing!"

The group choruses in laughter. Finely tilts his head to me in an offering manner, "I happen to know someone in my house that's a professional with the Bat-Bogey hex. Just give me the word, Mauve." He winks, referencing to Ginny. I shake my head, a grin on my face as I contemplate the offer.

"That's not a bad idea... I'll get back to you on that." Fin reaches over, his hand in a fist. I meet his hand halfway for a fist-bump, a mischievous look on both our faces.

When we're about to split up again, I split off with the group and head to the library. Draco told me that Snape had assigned an assignment right before the class had ended, must to my dismay. I'd rather not get on his bad side, or rather, more on his bad side considering what happened in class today. I slip into an empty table and waste no time into cracking open the textbook. I asked my friends for notes but it was a useless attempt — nobody made notes yet, and Draco 'doesn't make notes'.

MAUVE, draco malfoy ✓Where stories live. Discover now