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It's almost tense inside Theo and Blaise's room, as if Theo is waiting for everyone to be present before he speaks

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It's almost tense inside Theo and Blaise's room, as if Theo is waiting for everyone to be present before he speaks. I sit in between him and Finley, exchanging a confused look with the Gryffindor as I take a seat on the carpeted floor. I purposely avoid looking at Draco, but I can feel his gaze burning through my skin.

"Okay," Theo starts calmly, lacing his fingers together. "Does anyone know why we're gathered here today?"

I raise an eyebrow at his eery tone, wondering how long it would take until he would begin yelling. "No...?" I respond, seeing no one else will. Theo's gaze snap towards me, his eyes narrowing as if he didn't believe me.

"Hmm," he leans back, turning to re-address everyone. "Well, I have been waiting all fucking day for one of you bitches to say anything, and none of you did!" He huffs in frustration.

Finley lets out an amused chuckle, "what's up? Did someone shove something down Myrtle's toilet again?" He jokes light heartedly, referring to the recent rise of Myrtle's clogged toilet.

"That's old news," Blaise waves Finley off, earning a scoff from Alyssa.

"Wasn't that you though, Blaise?"

She only receives a shrug in response.

"No, no, no... this is something... something more interesting." Theo drawls, sending me repetitive glances as if to inspect my reaction. I raise a brow at his constant looks.


"Shut up guys," Finley huffs, waving repeatedly in his attempt to get silence our group. "I want to hear what happened." There's a slight whine in his tone, interest swirling in his pupils.

"Me too!" I pipe up, gesturing towards Theo. "Take the floor!"

Theo begins rubbing his palms together, a mischievous look roaming his features. I watch as Alyssa leans over to whisper to Fin and I, "I wonder what happened." Apparently, her whisper is loud enough to catch everyone else's attention, and Draco speaks up, scoffing.

"It's probably just Potter getting in trouble again," Draco scoffs. I roll my eyes and choose not to respond.

Blaise chuckles, muttering under his breath with a mocking tone. "The golden trio."

"Well no," Theo responds to Draco, slinging an arm around me. Confusion fills my features at the inquisitive expression pointed right at me. "But, I heard he asked out our dear friend Mauve. Is this true?" His eyes dance in amusement, while mine widen. I share a look of panic with Alyssa.

"Um," I gulp, feeling Draco's hard glare intensifying. "I change my mind, I don't want to hear it." I let out a hallow chuckle.

"Oh, so it's true?" Theo laughs, a wide grin stretching across his features. Seeing my reluctancy to respond, Finley answers for me.

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