Always #LikeAGirl

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Before you read my A/ the video and the quote.

Okay so I guess you watched the video and READ the quote. And as you can tell from the title....if your a girl and if someone ever told you....

A.) You hit like a girl

B.) Is that it? Come!

C.) Why are you on this team? Your a girl.

Or anything else. Just hold on at the moment. If you ever be told anything like that live a comment saying #LikeAGirl. Why? Well because I think that we should show people that us girls. Aren't just into shoes, make up, and dress up! We can do anything that a boy/guy can do! If you know that song that say and I quote...

"I can do anything that you can do...

No you can't

Yes I can....."

If you do you kinda know where I'm going with this. If you don't than go to you to check that out. But anyway....if your a girl be proud of that and do this that not everyone would expect. I mean things that is appropriate not yeah that's it for this author's note *A/N:* in other words. So yeah bye guys love you and don't happy to be a girl and love yourself!


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