chapter 20: texting and driving

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Did you know that texting and driving is way worst than drunk driving? If your your driving while you text, you're not only putting people in the car with you, but also people around you. So please watch the video and leave a comment on what you think. Also let's have a moment of silence on the people who past away from this. Also, I'm sorry about what's about to happen...


*The next day*

"Okay Alex are you ready?"


"Okay let's go. We're going to meet up with him at Olive Garden."

"Oooh! Yummy!"

       I smiled and chuckled a little bit.

"Alright let's go. Oh did you brush your teeth?"


"Okay let's go."


"Okay Alex do you see Mr. Parker anywhere?"


"Me either."

       I took out my phone and call him.


"Hey this is Maria."

"Oh hello Maria."

"Hi. Umm I was wondering when will you be here."

"Ah I'm just now living the office for my lunch break."


"So I'll see you in a couple of minutes."

"Okay I'll get us a table."

"Okay see you there."

"Okay goodbye."



"Yes Alex?"

"Where's Mr. Parker?"

"I don't know to be honest."

       I said checking my phone for the billionth time. Where could he be?! I talked to him over an hour ago! I just sighed and asked for the bill and mint chocolates. What they are yummy!

       As soon as I got in the car and buckled up Alex my phone rang. So I put #X to tell people I'm about to drive. I sent it to whoever it was and I'm off. Than my phone rang again. Seriously?! Ugh whatever I'm not answering.



"Who's calling?"

"I don't know Alex."

"Than why don't you answer the phone?"

"Because that's dangerous."


       After minutes, I got bored and started tapping my thumbs on the steering wheel and start humming a song.


"Yeah Alex?"

"You have a pretty voice."

"Thank you Alex. By the way, you have a beautiful voice also."


       I just smiled and just nodded.

"Of course."

"Thanks Maria."

"No problem Alex."



"Yes Alex?"

"Can we play I Spy?"

"Of course!"

       I said with excitement in my voice.

"Okay! Hmm I spy with my little eyes something pink!"

"Pink huh? Hmm."

       I said while I stopped at a red light. I start to look around until I found something pink.

"Is it my key chain?"

"Yes. Okay your turn!"

"Okay I spy something with my little-"

       I said while the light was still red, but something terrible just happened. All I heard was the car spinning around and around. Turned to look at Alex. I can see her screaming but I can't hear her. I tried to undue my seat belt. After trying a few seconds I did. But how can I get to her if I can't even move? I...just...need...the car to stop so I can get to her! After a few more rolls the car stopped but it was upside down. Alex was just hanging upside down. Than I heard another car coming. I can see it from a huge whole where the back window use to be. I quickly tried to unbuckle the seat belt but it won't budge. Of course! I went to the arm rest to take out my pocket knife and cut the seat belt and took her and myself out of the car just in time.




       I yelled before Hugging her and crying at the same time. I took out my phone and called 9-1-1. I don't know what I would do if I lost her.

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