chapter 26: birthday bash and gone missing part 2 *kinda short sorry*

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It's 6:25 and my friends and I are still not finished get ready. I feel like a girly girl... I hope he comes to my birthday party. As I was in lost in thought I heard knocking at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled to whoever was knocking.

"Wow you....look very stunning Maria." I turned around to see Nick looking me up and down. I blushed bright red so I looked down so he couldn't my blush.

"Th-thanks..." I said with a stutter.

Nick was dressed in a classic tuxedo. Than he smiled and walked up to me.

"I'm serious, you look gorgeous."

He said picking up my head. He's head only a few inches away from mine. You could see he's scar on his left cheek bone. His light pink lips that look kissable....wait hold up....WHAT?! Nope, nah ah...can I take that back? I backed up a little bit when I heard someone clear their throat. "Th-thanks Nick..umm I think we should get finished getting ready." He scratch his neck and nodded. "Umm yeah I should um see if the Dj is here. See ya." I nodded in a agreement. After that he left.

Well that was interesting.


It's 7 o'clock now and a few people came. But I know for a fact that around 10 or 11 the party will finally "be alive".


Right now the girls and I are doing a few finish touches while I curl Alex's hair.

"You look so beautiful Alex."

Rosie said with a small smile. Alex just shrugged. At that moment, I wanted to cry. So I got up and told the girls I would be right back. With that I took of running to the elevator. Accidentally ran into James causing us to fall on the floor, me on top of him. I murmured a stutter sorry. Than continuingto run. I heard James running after me but I quickly closed the elevator doors by pressing the close door button.

I pressed 1st floor button, watch the numbers go down to one. I waited for a few seconds until the doors opened. I ran into the garage into one of the boy's car. Turned it on than I drove off. I drove to the nears forest was. After I parked the car, I opened the door while taking off my shoes and dropped them on the floor next to the car. I took a deep breath, grabbed my dress and walked in, not even looking back. I just wanted to be alone, cry maybe, and a huge possibly to scream from on top of my lungs till my throat starts to hurt. As I was walking, I saw a small river. I sat down on the rocks that was near the river. I looked into the water seeing my reflection.

"Why do you always have to be stupid? I mean come on, you got into a car crash with Alex, and now," I said on the verge of crying. "She can't even remember anything! Her joyful eyes, her bright personality, everything gone because of you! Not that freaking driver, no one but yourself! Now her case worker will have to take her away from you! Then everyone will be disappointed at you because you did this her! It should have been you, not little Alex." With that I slammed my fist into the rocks that was near me. I rapidly kept doing it till I saw my fist red and blood coming out. I laughed dryly at myself. "You don't you go kill yourself. It'll make everything, and everyone happy." With that I got up and with my eyes I followed the river. Hopefully seeing a cliff.


Unknown POV*

Where is she?! She's been gone for 2 hours! I'm got so freaking worried. Everyone spilt up on looked for her. I ran into the garage to see that Nick's car is gone. I grabbed my car keys and drove everywhere. Not find any trace of her. I call dad and mom to see if they found anything.

"No sweet, nothing yet." Mom said in a sweet and calming voice. "Sweetheart we know that you love her, and we will find her." Mom said with a hint of sadness with her voice. "I hope so."


It's been hours and still not a trace of her. Everyone called her out her name since she left her phone at home. I slammed my hands in the string wheel with frustration. "Where is she?!" I felt tears coming down my eyes. I have to find her. Just than I found a car in front of a forest. Hope ran through my body, hoping it was Nick's car. And sure enough it was. I quickly got out the car and ran to it as if my life depends on it. Then I tripped on something. Looking down to see her heels. I grabbed them and called everyone. Just in a few minutes everyone drove here. My mom ran to me and looked at the shoes. She smiled with tears in her eyes than nodded as in telling me that theses indeed are Maria's. I told her to stay here with dad because will her due date is near. The boys and I spilt up looking for her expect for the 3 youngest boys. Everyone else spilt up. Everyone is worried about her even little Alex. Despite her memory, I think she still feels a connection to Maria.

It's almost midnight and still no sign of Maria. That's till I saw blood on a few rocks. I flashed my light making sure it's blood. As if answering my question, it was. The blood is a little bit wet so that means she was here a little while ago. I hope. I yelled Nick's name and Christian's to here. They saw the my light over the almost dry blood. Fear and worrisome mixed in their eyes. So I told they to of them to left while I went right. Part of me hopes it's her blood, the other part of me thinks it's not her blood. But I have to take that chance and think it is her blood.

After a few minutes a saw a trail of blood and started to freak out. I yelled on top of my lungs is to was in front of me.


Hey guys so I hope you guys were on the edge of your seats till I left a cliffhanger.... ;)

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