chapter 16: 1st day of school *part 1 of 2*

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A/N: Maria's outfit on the first page for mobile devices and on the side for computers and ect.


(A few days later....a day before first day of school.)

       A few days ago I bought Alex and I school supplies. She wanted Jack themed from Nightmare Before Christmas school supplies. She said that's her favorite movie! And if your wondering I got graffiti design school supplies.

"Alright Alex come on let's get ready for bed."

"But Maria!"

"I don't care Alex, it's almost 10 o'clock. Now come on. We both have our first day of school tomorrow."

       She sighed but came to bed.


"Good now come."


       She said yawning. Then I heard a knock.

"Ugh come in!"


"Oh hey James what's up?"

"Umm nothing, but I just came to say good bye."

"Good- oh."

       Than I remembered...he goes to college.

"Oh yeah. College."

"Yeah. I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"Oh why so soon?"

       He just smirked.

"Are you going to miss me?"


"Hey-oh hey James what's up?"

       Chris said walking in mine and Alex's room.


" why are you in their room for?"

"Saying good bye because he's leaving for college tomorrow. Why are you in here?"

"Same reason."


"Yup first year in college!"

"Cool. What year are you in James?"

"Third year."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah I started right after high school."


       I turned to Alex.


"Can you sing me a lullaby?"

       And here we go again. Literally.

"Oh..let me get my stuff."

"Me too!"

       I turned to Alex slowly.


       I just smiled.

"Nun little rascal."

       I said while messing with her hair.


"Alright we're ready."

       Chris said with all the boys in a unison.

"Can't wait...note the sarcasm boys."

"Well that's rude."

"Get use to it Sky."


"Excuse me."

"You're excuse ."

"Alex, Cam cover your eyes and ears. You don't want to hear or see what's going to happen. And James when I go to jail for killing two of your brothers watch over Alex or I'll haunt you."

"Got it."


       I said while running after him in my room for a couple of minutes. Until I heard Alex cry. I immediately stopped running after Skylar.

"What's wrong Alex?"

       I said while running to her.

"Oh nothing I just wanted you to stop running and sing me a lullaby."

"Wow now I see it Chris. They're just the same."


       Me and Alex said in unison. Looked at each other and giggled.

"Alright everyone get settled to go to sleep I'm going to get ready to sing."

"Bwforw can I sweep nwxt to ywu?"

"Of course."

"You are you comfy you guys?"

       They all shook their heads yes.


' Rock-a-bye baby,

in the treetop

When the wind blows,

the cradle will rock

When the bough breaks,

the cradle will fall

And down will come baby,

cradle and all'

       After I finished everyone was asleep.

"Good night Maria."

"Night Alex."

       After I said that I kissed both Alex and Cameron.






       I rubbed my eyes and turned off my alarm on my phone.

"Everyone wake up. It's 7 am."

"No Maria 5 more minutes."

" Alex. Now come on. I have to take you to school bye 7:45. Which means we have,"

       I grabbed my phone and checked what time it is.

"Less than 40 minutes. Now come on."

"But Maria!"

       Alex whined.

"Nope I don't care. Now come on."



       I started to get frustrated. Why is everyone going so slow!?

"Alright Alex, hold on."

"Uh oh."

       And with that I went over the limit by maybe 20 probably 30 mph. But I slowed down when I was near Alex's new school.

"Alright Alex, a brand new school. Do you want me to walk you in?"

       She shook her head.

"Yes please."

        And with that we walked in the school.

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