chapter 27 birthday bash and big dilemma part 3

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Maria's POV*

*half an hour before the boy's showed up*

As soon as I was walking for some reason I started to get light headed. After a few minutes I started to feel very dizzy then my vision started to get out of focus. After a few tries, I couldn't keep them opened. So I gave up.

*2 weeks later*

My head...what happened? Where am I? Wait... Before I could finish my thought someone came in. I tried opening up my eyes for some few seconds but it didn't work. So I tried again and thankfully it worked despite my vision blurry.

I groaned and sat myself up while holding my head.

" Woah! Hold on I'll get the doctor." A cute guy said before running out the room. Wait doctor? For what?

"Owww!" I whispered to myself. I guess thinking to much will hurt your head right? Right? I shrugged at the thought and looked around the white, very white room. Till I saw myself. I saw a bandage wrapped around my head. So I put my hand up to my head hoping this isn't real? But as soon as I touched my head it freaking hurt! Then I looked down at my hands, my hair, and body. Is this-. Once again cut off from my deep thoughts the cute boy, looked around he's 20's came running back in the room with I'm guessing a doctor and a pretty nurse. I looked at the doctor, she looked like she was in her late 30's early 40's, while the nurse, she looked to be in her mid 20's or late 20's.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" I just shrugged and looked at my hands.

"Hey are you okay?" I shrugged again, not knowing what to say. Will what can I saw 'oh I'm fine even though I can't remember anything so thanks for asking' no! I can't do that!

"Ms. Martin is there something bothering you?" The nurse asked. Hmmmm should I tell them? No right? The cute guy sighed. Was it because of me? I looked at him he looked very stressed out and very tired some. Than at out of nowhere he chuckled dryly. I raised an eyebrow at him. As I was about to ask him why he just chuckled the doctor asked me something that I wished I didn't have to answer.

"Ms. Martin, do you remember what happened?" I shook my head.

"No ma'am, I don't." I said looking down at my fingers fiddling with them. The cute boy spoke up.

"Mar-" He said but was cut off by people coming through the hospital room. I looked at all 13 people who just ran in. They must of notice since they stopped in their tracks. Hey there's literally a lot people in here, a very small room. I feel like I'm in a clown car. Than I started to be feel very claustrophobic. Out of nowhere my breathing started to get very rapid. The doctor yelled for everyone to get out, including the cute boy. After a few moments, my breathing started to slow down to it's regular pace. The doctor looked at me.

"Ms. Martin, do you know who you are?" She asked me with concern in her voice. I shook my head.

"No....." She nodded.

"That's normal in some case." She said. She asked me a few questions then said that I have Retrograde amnesia. I looked at her confused. What the heck is that? She laughed a little bit than explained.

"Retrograde amnesia is when a patient can't remember events that occurred before his or her trauma, but remembers things that happened after his or her trauma." I nodded. That will have to get use to saying. Then I asked her who are those people that came in. She smiled than told me that she'll be right back, not even answering my question. Great, that was nice of her...not.

After a few minutes another cute boy came in, basically running in. Not going to lie, it kinda scared me.

"Please Maria, please tell me you're pulling a prank because this isn't funny." He said picking up my right hand tears in his eyes asking to leave his eyes. With a little bit of hope in his eyes. A few tears fell from his eyes. I moved my left hand to wipe his tears than told him something that made him burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. Or those people who ran in here and little while ago. I'm so sorry." I said with full sincere in my voice.

Well what can I do? Lie to this guy? I'm sorry that....just seems wrong. I reached my left hand again to wipe his face, but he shook his head and left the room. Till I heard someone, a female's voice scream as if she was being murder or something. What's going on?


*The next day*

After falling asleep I heard someone laugh evilly. I started to try open my eyes but it was quite difficult for some unknown reason. After a few more tries, they finally opened to see me on the floor in a dark room. The only light was from a single light bulb on top of my hang from the dark abyss. I started to freak out for every second I'm in here. "Whe- where am I." I asked in hoarse voice. I started to sit up but to find a huge pain in my side of my abdomen. I quickly laid back down hold my right side. What's going on?! Where am I?! Who am I... Then I started to hear that venomous laughter once again. I started screaming for help but the words just won't come out. My throat was dry as a desert. After a few moments of trying, the man's laughter coming closer with every attempt I made of yelling for help. What's going on?! I need help! Then I was able to talk normal but still sound raspy with every word I spoke. I need answers. "Who- who are you?" With that question, he punched my and knocking me out. Everything grew darker and darker till I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Some.... please help me... that was the last thought till everything was pitch black.

"Maria.... Maria... Wake up.... Come on Maria! Wake up!" A boy around my age started to shake me. That of course ended because of my screaming as if I was being murder. A doctor and a few nurse came running in and told a very, and I me very cute boy to leave.

"Ms. Martin, did he try to hurt you in anyway?" The doctor from yesterday asked me. I shook my head and told her I was having a night terror. After a few seconds of apologizing, I asked the doctor who that boy was. The nurses looked at each other and shrugged. Well gee thanks people. The doctor chuckled as I huffed like a young child. So I asked her if he could come back in. She hesitated, but nodded a yes. After a few moments he came back in.

"Jesus Maria, you scared the living lights out of!"

"S-sorry...." I said looking down while I play with my fingers. I started to feel tears coming down my face. "Hey, hey, look at me." He said picking up my chin. I started to look in he's eyes. Wow... you melt in them.

"Hey Maria, can I ask you something?" I nodded my head fiercely which caused my head to throb. He chuckled lightly and asked a question that I didn't know the answer to.

"Maria do you remember me?" How do I answer that?! "Ummm...."

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