Chapter Ten

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Kristina's POV

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"U-uh," Josh stutters, not knowing how to answer.

"Well!" My father snaps and I could practically feel the anger rolling of him waves.

"My, uh, f-foot it's, um, it's caught in her hair."

"What's it doing there?" My father asks him, a low growl rumbling in his chest. He clearly didn't believe him. I raised a hand back over my shoulder and tried to untangle the mass but ended up in getting one of my fingers caught in it.


"You know what," Josh says, sighing. "I really don't know."

"Can you help?" I ask, the question directed in my fathers general direction. "Please." I add on as an after thought, remembering my manners.

I hear my fathers footsteps approach my side of the bed and he peers down at me in shock. "What the. . ." He tilts my head to the side, exposing the tangle. "Goddess, how did you manage that?"

"Uh, well Josh fidgets when he sleeps in a new bed." I explain, wincing in pain.

"How can it be this bad?"

"I don't even know. He's special."

My dad hums as he assesses the situation at hand. "Have you thought about getting some s-"

"No one is cutting my hair." I say sternly, looking up at him seriously.

"Right, well, uh," He rubs his stumbled chin and sighs. "I guess we'll have to bring in Nina, Trisha and Jessie."

"Who?" Josh and I ask in unison. Only one name rung a bell. Nina was Sophie's daughter.

"They're into hair. Always brushing it and putting filly things in it." My dad explains vaguely right before his eyes glaze over, I know instantly that he's mind-linking.

"They wont cut it right?" I ask when his eyes return back to normal. He shakes his head, shoving his hands into his jean pockets with a small smile. Clearly he's seen some sort of humour in this situation.

Less than five minutes later three little girls burst into the room, giggling, closely followed behind by Sophie who was hurting them all in.

"You called for them, Alpha?" Sophie said right before her eyes landed on Josh and I. "Oh. My. Goddess. What happened!"

"Josh." I growl in answer.

"My foot's tingling!" Josh groans, wiggling, a few of his toes. I cry out and quickly turn my head to bite him, sending more pain shooting up my scalp. "Argh! Why are you bitting me!" He screams, shaking his leg to get me off.

The three pups in the room found this hilarious because they were doubled over in laughter, clutching there stomachs. My dad on the other hand just got straight down to business, ignoring the weird sight on the bed.

"Did they bring the stuff?" He asks formally.

Sophie nods, ushering the pups to the bedside. "My goddess!" She exclaims, poking the knot. "How is this possible?"

"Josh is capable of many things." I say, releasing my grip off of the said persons leg.

"Sort it out." My father demands and the three pups hop up on the bed by my head and they stared to brush parts and pull parts away until finally Josh's foot is no longer stuck in my hair.

One of the little girls - the one with dark brown hair - smiled shyly at me as I sat myself up and pushed Josh off of me. I knew who she was, Nina.

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