Chapter Two

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Kristina's POV

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"Alpha blood?" I whisper in disbelief. There is no way I have alpha blood. Sure, my wolf is bigger than my moms, Josh's and savannahs' but I just thought that my wolf was just naturally bigger.

"Your dad was the soon to be alpha." Mom says pulling away and whipping away her tears away. "I realised what position he was the day he left me but I never told a soul. Sophie added it all up in the previous letters she's sent to me."

I remembered, dazed, what the letter had said. The soon to be alpha hadn't been made fully alpha for years because he didn't have his mate, his lost mate. My mom.

Aw, fuck.

"Where is he?" I asked weakly as I got to my feet to grab the pizza boxes. "I mean, how far are we from him?" I elaborate as I grab a slice.

"A four days drive, at least two days run with no stops. He hasn't found us yet, I don't think he's even looking." Mom said to me, her voice going quiet towards the end.

He wasn't looking? He wasn't looking for the one he loves? The one who he was made for? I didn't know if I was pleased or upset over that. I know I should hate him for the pain he cause my mom but. . . how could I hate a man I've never met? A man who's blood was in my veins.

"Does he know about me?" I asked as I lied my head down on her lap. Her fingers ran through my hair soothingly, bringing me the comfort only a mother could give.

"No, my baby. Only Sophie and her mate know of you. They both swore to never tell a soul. Her mate wouldn't tell because it would upset Sophie deeply and mates care for their other half more than themselves and they'd do anything to keep them happy." She whispered sadly as I closed my eyes. I knew the subject brought her pain but I only had this, I'd never ask her again. I couldn't.

"Do you think I have a mate?" I asked, on the edge of sleep. Her hands never faltered when I asked she only pressed her lips to my forehead and answered with, "Somewhere out there is the one you were made for." Before I could answer I drifted into a sleep full of loud party's, mysterious strangers and alpha fathers.

My alpha father.

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When I woke the next morning I was lying in my bed with the covers twisted awkwardly around my frame. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow before reaching out blindly for my cell phone which endless ringing had woken me from my dreams. I brought the phone to my ear without checking the caller ID.

"What?" I snapped angrily. I hear a deep chuckle which causes me to groan again. "Josh! Fuck you!" I yell into the phone. I am not a morning person and I hate anyone who is.

"I'd love to." He teases in a happy tone of voice which makes me want to rip his vocal chords out.

So what, I'm violent in the mornings! Sue me!

If I ever meet the person who invented alarm clocks I will hang them from Big Ben by there baby toe with their hands tied behind their back while alarm clocks that are taped to his head ring over and over again. See how he likes it then!

"You'd never live to even try and do it if you don't hang up right now and let me sleep." I grumble, still half asleep. I throw an arm over my eyes to block any light in the room.

"Are you saying I actually have a shot, Miss Lewis?" He asks, annoying me. I know he's only joking though. We are best friends, he's like my brother. The idea of even kissing him gave me the shivers.

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