Chapter Three

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Kristina's POV

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"No," I say shaking my head. "There is no way on earth that I'm-" Josh gives me a look and I gape at him. "Right?" I ask, uncertain.

"I don't know, Kris. It's possible. If you're the first born then you are the heir because the alpha gene would've been passed down to you." He says.

"No!" I shake my head again, pushing plate away from me. "I can't run a pack! I'm a rogue! I-I'm- I can't!" I say frantically. How could I lead a pack? I knew nothing of pack life! It sounds sucky to me! Always following orders, never being completely free! Now could I live a life like that!

"Kris, relax, we will just ask you mom. We will stop by at the salon thing she has after school and see if were right." He says and I shake my head, getting to my feet.

"No. No I need to go now. Right now." I say as I run to the front door.

"Kris! Slow down, stop!" He says but I'm already out the door and flying down the stairs. I hear his footsteps coming after me and as I race towards mom.

When I get there I burst through the doors, the bell chiming. A few people give me weird looks but I just march back behind the curtain to moms office.

"Mom!" I yell as I come towards her office. I open the door and see mom sitting in her chair as she talks on the phone.

"Saturday at 5pm is good," she says looking at me in both puzzlement and curiosity. I sense Josh right behind me but don't turn to look. Mom gestures for us to come in and we do. "Yeah, thanks, bye." She says before hanging up and putting the phone down in her desk.

"What's wrong?" She asks worriedly as her eyes skim over the both of us for injuries. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Am I first born?" I ask seriously, ignoring her questions. Mom recoils and looks at me with wide eyes.


"Mom!" I snap, desperate for an answer.

"Y-yes," She stutters out and I begin to pace. Josh had sat himself down in a chair opposite moms desk when we came in while I stayed standing. "Why?"

"Am I the heir to their pack?" I ask and mom jumps to her feet and closes her office door.

"Keep you voice down, we are around humans." She warns me and I nod, shaking my hands out nervously. "Since you are first born, and your father was an alpha and we were mates then yes. You are the heir to his pack," she pauses. "Unless he's mated with another."

My heart stopped. I could possibly be a soon-to-be-alpha to a large pack of people I've never even met!

"I-I-I," I stutter, unable to get out complete words. I didn't even know what to say.

Mom came over to me and rubbed my arm soothingly. "It's okay. You don't have to be alpha. If they never find us you never have to accept the title." She soothes.

"But what would happened to them if I didn't?" I ask.

"After he. . .passes," She choked in the word as if it physically and mentally hurt her. Maybe it did. "The pack would be alpha-less because there was no heir so either another pack would take them in or the beta family would step up or some wild leave and become rogues if the wished it. It depends." She explains.

"And if I did?"

"You'd go through some training and then once your father was sure you were ready he'd hand the title over to you and you'd own your own pack."

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