Chapter Twenty One

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Kristina's POV

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I stared in shock, my awe morphing with both delight and fear. Mate. He was my mate. I heard my grandmothers words ring inside my head.

Liars. Cheaters. Killers.

But then I thought back on how she an pops were with each other, the love and comfort they held in their gazes when the looked at each other.

A life without your mate is not life at all.

As if sensing my sudden unease, my mate, bowed his head low enough that our noses nearly touch, a gentle puff of air fanned over my muzzle as he breathed out a small breath.

I purred softly and nestled forwards, my nose bumping his and curving around his furry cheek to the underside of his jaw, bathing in the explosion of tickled that rushed through me.

Mmmm, he was so warm.

I stepped forwards, letting my nose brush up against his shoulder, inhaling the delicious scent of mint leaves and oak sapling that clung to his powerful stature. He lowered his head and nuzzled my back, his nose tracing the delicate arch of my spine.

My nose pressed against something wet and I drew back slightly, gazing at the cuts on his side, four long gashes torn across his side. I whined, feeling a sting of pain in my side in the same place his wound had been inflicted. My mate shifted slightly, shifting away from me so that he too could survey the wound.

Whimpering, I stepped up and licked the lacerations carefully, lapping up the blood with a gentle precision. My mate shuddered. The abrasion wasn't too deep, the two cuts closest to me and the one furthest away were pretty shallow, going less than an inch within his skin however, the third one was deep enough that yellow puss began to seep out, howling quietly, I drew back and whimpered at him, stabbing him gently on his neck with my nose.

He growled softly in the back of his throat before turning to face me fully, he eyed me up appreciatively, acting as he wasn't possibly bleeding out where he stood and yet, I couldn't move. If anything I stood a little taller and tilted my head as if to let him  get a better look at my wolfs face.

I had never really cared for my looks in wolf form, I was just really furry, there was nothing special about me, except the fact that I was about as tall as an alpha but as dainty as a she wolf. My dark red fur, which was speckled with dark brown, stood out against the backdrop of green around me and I perked up hopefully, wanting to impress my mate.

His light hazel eyes glimmered with pride and joy causing me to duck my head in embarrassment, flattered at his reaction. Trotting over to him, I flicked my tongue over the wounds on his muzzle, which were already healing up due to the shallowness of the wound.

Whining again, I nudged my mate - ah, mate, I loved that word already - towards the river. He was like a boulder, completely unmovable and I drew back, pleading with my eyes.

Though the wounds inflicted on him were for the most part shallow and not very serious, the ones on his side was and I feared that if we didn't get it stitched up in time then he'd either get an infection and die before I got to know him or passed out from blood loss, and then died before I got the chance to know him.

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